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I like E.T.


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Okay time to come out of the closet.


I like E.T. Or rather used to back in the day. To me, E.T. was just as much fun as Raiders of the Lost Ark or Adventure. I spent many hours as a kid mastering the game, even the randomized version. I felt like I had accomplished something everytime that silvery/shimmery spaceship arrived to take me home!




It's good to get that off my chest.



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This topic seems to come up every once in a while. I too like E.T. and have always said so in this forum. For some reason people love to rip this particular game even though in my opinion its better that the majority of 2600 games.


I don't understand either. In fact, I always felt the same about ET - It's a great game for the 2600. I never heard anyone complain about this game prior to the internet. Is it fustrating (at times) when you keep fallen into the same pit(s) - yes....But, I think it adds to the challenge factor as well.


At times I wonder if some (many?) of the negative views of ET was more of a 'peer pressure' or snowball effect. Not that all the negative comments are insincere or dishonest - but perhaps *influenced* more by what others have said about it. I honestly don't see it as a bad game at all.


Ditto with these:



Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong Jr

Karateka (on the 7800)


Yes, compared to their Arcade (or computer for Karateka) counterparts they're bad...BUT...as stand-alone games - if there were no other ports but the 2600 - I think the negative comments would be *much* fewer.


But that's just MHO...

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At times I wonder if some (many?) of the negative views of ET was more of a 'peer pressure' or snowball effect.  Not that all the negative comments are insincere or dishonest - but perhaps *influenced* more by what others have said about it.  I honestly don't see it as a bad game at all.


Ditto with these:



Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong Jr

Karateka (on the 7800)


Yes, compared to their Arcade (or computer for Karateka) counterparts they're bad...BUT...as stand-alone games - if there were no other ports but the 2600 - I think the negative comments would be *much* fewer.


But that's just MHO...



heh but Pac-man i think is justified as being a piece of crap, i remember getting it with my first atari and i played it a couple of times and havent played it since the early 80's , thats how big of an impression it made on me, i had more fun playing Demons to Diamonds by myself :D

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Count me in as an E.T. lover...

And Ive never been ashamed of it.

The graphics are great, The gameplay is unique, what else could you ask for on the 2600? Maybe another game where you shoot enemies and dodge their return fire??? PUUULEEEEEZE.


And for anyone who complains that they fall in the pits all the time, Lets not forget that great GREAT hack.... E.T. : The Extra Testical


With apologies to Howard Scott Warshaw

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I actually *like* the 2600 pacman (If you treat it as a different game from the arcade PacMan itself it's still fun to play) - but ET bugs the bejeesus out of me!


it's just one ending up in the pit after another. really pisses me off something chronic.


maybe if someone would clue me in as to what I'm supposed to be doing (Seeing as I only have a loose cart and no skill :) ) I might enjoy it that bit more.

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@ sack-c0s - If you actually liked the regular pacman for 2600 that is wierd. It is just too hard to see the ghosts when they are coming after you. If you are looking for a good pacman translation on 2600 it has to be Ms. Pacman. There is only limited flickering on the gholsts.


When I was watching Once Upon Atari, Todd Frye said that he approached management on several occasions wanting to make an 8k version of pacman. Managment said if it wasn't 4k, it wasn't going to be released. So if it was me programming it, I would have put out that piece of crap to make a couple million off of it.

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I like ET as a curiosoty more than anything. I suck at it, then again, I never had the book (even back in the day) so I never knew what I was doing. By the time the internet came along, I had long since lost interest in tracking down manuels to figure out what to do. I still play it on occasion, but I like the mystique of not knowing what I'm supposed to do, just like a real alien lost on a forign planet.


I'm the same with Pac-Man, it's an OK game (god I loved it back in the day) The thing that really happened to it, was a year later, they release Ms.Pac-Man and people found out it could be close to the arcade, and all of a sudden, people started ragging on the game really bad. I know, most people will say "but I never liked it" and I guess since they only liked it for a few months, that holds no relevance to the next 22 years, so yeah, I guess never is pretty accurate, truthfull or not.


Remember, Pac-Man was released in 81, the year befor graphics started really taking off. Sure, it's not like the arcade game, but it is fully playable, and fun on higher speeds. And I thought the flickering ghosts, and never flickering pac-man was cool 'transparent effect' (back then anyways, now I know better, and know the ghosts flicker because the thing can only handle 2 sprites, even though they didn't have to flicker till passing each other on a scanline.)

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I liked E.T as a kid but nowadays, I just can't stand to play it.


Maybe if they had actually taken the time to program it, I probably wouldn't be complaining.


It's fun for a while but then the damn pits kick in and....argggh!


If you have ever watched Once Upon Atari, they say all games were given a date to be released by. No matter what it played like, if it had ET on it, it was done. And it was released and sold.

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It was actually Larry Kaplan saying that about the date. He also said, which contradicts this, that all games had to be the best they could be or they weren't released. OUA is a good DVD and I reccomend anyone on this site to go get it.


They talk extensively with most of the early VCS programmers, and thier bosses. And all of the pranks and crazy stuff that went on. Like Todd Frye walking on the walls

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Remember, Pac-Man was released in 81, the year befor graphics started really taking off.  Sure, it's not like the arcade game, but it is fully playable, and fun on higher speeds.


Yeah but prior to Pacman we also had Asteroids (a solid 2600 translation) and Missile Command (an EXCELLENT 2600 translation). :)


I have to think to remember my reaction to 2600 Pacman. I think I remember being somewhat mixed. I was a fan of the arcade game and was HOPING that it would be close... but I was also pretty aware even then of the 2600's limitations. So when Pacman hit, I think I remember being slightly disoriented by it, cognizant that it wasn't anything like the arcade game, but also relatively satisfied to a certain extent that it was was in essence, a boiled down Pacman and there for me to play as much as I wanted. :) Then of course like you said, MsPacman came around and the shit hit the fan :lol: btw.. msPac is still probably my fav 2600 game ;)


Yes.. I like E.T. too :P It aint the greatest 2600 game. But it's far from the worst 2600 game that's for sure.

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Atari sounds like a big high school. Or college. A place to do work and have fun at the same time!


E.T. - I liked it. It was no more confusing than Raiders or Adventure.


Donkey Kong & Jr. - I liked them too.


Pac-Man - I totally enjoyed it... so did everyone I knew. It was the most fun you could have at home.


Ms. Pac-Man - When this came out, Pac-Man started gathering dust.


Jr. Pac-Man - Ditto. This was the closest to the arcade you could get at the time, and it made the previous efforts look pitiful.




For me, the arcade didn't even exist. My mom never took me there, and even if she did, I didn't have any money to spend. So for me, the Atari was the shizzle. Pac-Man & Donkey Kong were the greatest games I had ever played!

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In fact, I always felt the same about ET - It's a great game for the 2600.

Just because you managed to enjoy it, does not in any way make E.T. "great". Using that word to describe this game renders it meaningless. Ms. Pac-Man is great. Road Runner is great. Stargate is great. E.T. is NOT great. E.T. is a game about repeatedly flinging yourself into holes.

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