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Who will be at the trademeet in Boston 11/2?


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usual turnout is in the 20s.


i've found that a lot of atari agers come out of the woodwork for our meets, and we really appreciate it, this site has really helped us grow. we do a bit of everything, show and tell, as host i'm always keen to show off my gameroom and we like to have grudge match warlords battles and pitfall II marathons (hi mark). theres beer and snacks and its just fun to talk about the hobby with other atari fans.


buying or trading is up to you and the person you're dealing with. me personally i'll sell basic stuff and keep the rares for trades but a lot of people do both. hardware is always easy to buy, tends to be a lot of it on hand. some people show up with nothing but cash, prices are always sub ebay levels. if you have trade stuff do bring it though, we have all sorts of collectors so its rare that you'll have to pack it back into your car.


if you have any other questions just ask or visit our site.


hope to see you sunday!

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Ah yes, it's NECG season again. Nothing I enjoy more than taking advantage of a drunken guest when working out the details of trade.


"Oh gee, you can barely stand, man! Let me hold onto that Quadrun for ya there."


Like they even remember it the next morning...


I mean, uh, yes. NECG has really grown into the ultimate classic gamer's flea market, minus the smelly and/or dirty vendors. Our regulars and first-timers always boast tables worth of boxes loaded full of gaming delights. The trades have been unreal many a time. And even if you're not a trader, cash has been known to flow like the beer.


And if you're not a drinker, you're still totally welcome and will fit right in - trust me. ;)


Glad to see Keir will be in top form Sunday, and you should be too. If you're on the fence, then fall off into our yard! It's a soft landing onto a compost pile of classic gaming goodness. Hmm... maybe I shouldn't use the compost pile imagery next time...

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Nah I'm not a drinker, I'm not even of age lol and I have nothing worth trading. My rarest cart is only the Chuck Norris/Artillery Duel double ender. I'd be interested in buying tons of cheap games I don't have(and I only have 27 2600 games and 21 7800 games. I don't have a 5200 and I don't have a working 65XE anymore :( I do need working 2 button joysticks for 7800 since all I have are one buttons. I wanna be able to play Ninja Golf and some Bird vs Dr J.

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we could surely help you out in the games dept. if you've got a few i'm happy to let some commons go your way. might be able to dig up a 7800 stick, i'll take a look. 5200 and atari comps. are often on hand.


a lot of things you might not think of as trade stuff will work, such as computer parts and things like that.


location is

19 anson street

jamaica plain MA 02130


if you need to mapquest it.

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I'll be there!!!!.   And yes we WILL be playing Pitfall II!!!!


you know how they have synchronized swimming?


I'd love to see a large group of trained synchronized pitfall 2 players who start the game and go straight to the end all in unison. imagine how cool the music would sound coming from 10-20 ataris all at once :)

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Yeah, it was definitely a great time.  I still wish I won that Joust Pong proto but buying about 50 carts was a great feeling.  Now I just need the 800 Computer and 7800 2 button joypads.  The one thing I never picked up that I saw was ET.  Oh well, there's always next time.


If you really want ET I have a couple spare copies of it.

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who is who in the pictures, a brief guide


i'll give naming a stab...this was the first time we used a guestbook so i got at least some of the folks names written down.


this is mark (bcprs on AA) on the left, chad(DP) standing and soulblazer(DP).



mark again, the chest of keir(AA, DP) and sylentwulf (DP)standing over his games



this is soulblazers stuff and chad's butt



SB again and soupforare(DP)



keir and soup



kirk israel (AA and rgvc)



krambigmac aka mark (AA) plays against soup



masterminds locked in battle, me and clubninja (AA,DP)



toddst(DP) and POGs(DP,AA) shoulders



POG, mike (just a collector, not a poster) and kevin aka atarix (AA)



all covered cept the big fella in the back thats "the great heirophant" (AA, rgvc and various other forums)



back row we have "the other scott" clubninja's sidekick and kevincure, front in the atari football shirt is Ren Depot (AA?) and wberdan(DP) in the trucker hat.


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