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Graphic Interface for Bonus Games limited to 64 items?

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Well, I set up my Atari games in the Graphic Interface with no problems.


I have moved over to the Bonus Games and added 140 NES games with art and a title for each game. I was able to load all the games and play all the games using the Graphic Interface, however at game 64 the artwork was no longer displayed? It looks as if there are no more games on the overview page. If you select a non-displayed game the artwork and title show up. If you move to the next game from the individual game page, it shows that game also.


It is the same for the All games, no artwork after 64 games.


Is there anything that can be done to show the artwork after 64 games on the main menu page? If you need photos or any of my file, let me know.

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Posted (edited)

The game binary has a limit of 64 games its shows maybe or its a bug in the game binary, only way to change that is find out where in the binary is the code for how many it can show, in it source it might have `bonus-games=64` but because its compiled it will be in 8bit binary not in text so harder to find, you have to reverse engineer it to find out how it works so workout were it is in the binary then change the binary number so it changed the number in its code.
I did it with THEC64 binary, the64(THECarousel), it only allowed 150 games to be shown in its carousel when it loaded it, I hacked it to show 255 games... :) so you can now add 255 games in carousel on THEC64 Mini, THEC64 and THEVIC20, 255 is the last binary in 8bit binary the highest it would go.

Edited by Spanner
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Wow, binary code! Thats past my capability. I don't have any programming experience. I don't even know how to find the right program/file.


I guess I'll have to live with it and hope GSP makes the change. 


Thanks for the response.

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