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Real Bout Fatal Fury: Genesis port sent to SNK for a possible official release in the near future


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Some very well known homebrew developers were porting Real Bout Fatal Fury to the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, with a scheduled release for December of 2023, however they didn't follow that and have been quiet about it, until today at least, here is an approximate translation of what one of them said in this post:


"Reason why Fatal Rheo Bout wasn't released last Christmas"

"The game's last version was sent to SNK for analysis to possibly make it an official release! This takes a long time, depends on many factors such as QA, viability study and licensing bureaucracy... It was SNK themselves that asked for secrecy and to not release the demo on Christmas."

More info about the game can be found here: 


As you can see it's not a simple port, it has extra modes and elements from the other Fatal Fury games, as well as EX versions of a few characters. There's more information about the game and how SNK contacted them in another video, but I don't think it's worth translating for now.

Now, I have never seen SNK doing anything similar in the past, but I hope this game somehow gets a cartridge release, and that SNK continues to do this in the future.


Edited by M-S
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Damn that's impressive.  If this isn't bs, and SNK actually bit and hard enough to approve this for some kind of physical (and digital) release despite not being the biggest Fatal Fury fan nor fighting games either much anymore (I think I have permanent burnout) I'd grab this if it wasn't stupid priced.  I would also hope it would inspire others to take a swing, maybe Capcom with Final Fight, SNK again with metal slug....who knows.  There are some epic ports/remakes of older titles that were due last year that slipped it seems into this.

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Yes, I also thought it was hard to believe at first but most of the developers confirmed it already, they are the same ones that worked on games like Final Fight MD so I think they wouldn't make this up.

According to the video in the first screenshot it was a publisher that contacted them first saying they could send the game to SNK, and Rheo accepted it because there were Chinese stores selling cartridges with the game's demo without his permission, He said he would want the game to be sold for slightly more than R$100, which is around 20U$, as at first they didn't want to have any profit, and since old SNK games usually are sold for very low prices digitally I think the price will mostly depend on which publisher is going to sell it.

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