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Controller Madness

Classic Pac

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This all began a couple of years ago when I decided to write an article for the 2600 Connection my subject was the wide wide world of controllers for the 2600. Even if your just a causal player of 2600 games you know there are a hell of a lot of controllers out there. I did it with a slightly humoris vein, which apparently slapdash never got. So I rewrote it and submitted again this time I was told I missed a few when I asked which ones, I was told of some I never heard about. So I finally decided if you will to lay this on the line. After discovering slapdash is a member of this forum.


What I am trying to do is come up with a list of all the different types of controllers ever made for the 2600, including speciality controllers and novelty 2 Milton Bradley made for there games come to mind. So if I missed one please feel free to post it. So its put up or shut up time.











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hum lets see... trackball....


the mercury switch based controllers to me are a different category.... there were the vintage ones like le stic iirc and then one during the genesis era shaped like a flight throttle.


there were also atari era quick-fire accessories like the blaster


there were some god awful flat panel type controls (like the turbo touch 360,) quickshot had one called the joy sensor or something iirc.


the kids controller is just a repackaged keyboard, hardware wise.


as are the button only panel type controls like the star plex.


there are also hybrids, like the sansei that have a full button panel and an arcade stick.


there was also excercise equipment by exus? reflex? dont remember for sure...


of course the prototype atari 'brain controllers' lol

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What I am trying to do is come up with a list of all the different types of controllers ever made for the 2600, including speciality controllers and novelty 2 Milton Bradley made for there games come to mind. So if I missed one please feel free to post it. So its put up or shut up time.












If you just want generic control types that were required by certain games, I think that's a pretty short list: driving controllers, paddles, single joystick, dual-joysticks (Raiders of the Lost Ark, Stargate, Spy Hunter), keypads, booster grip, light gun, and that headband mind-reading prototype thing. I'm not sure there were any others.


The Joyboard, Milton Bradley Controllers, Le Stick, Tron trigger joystick, Wico Command Control and such are all basically just four-way joysticks. Just variations on a theme, with different form factors.


The Kids Controller, Keyboard controller, and Video Touch Pad are all basically the same, too.


Even the Starplex and trackball basically just replace the joystick with a different method of inputting the same information. (On a 2600, the trackball doesn't really work like a trackball, since acceleration doesn't register - only direction does.) They sure make some games a lot easier to play though.

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Now, when you say 2600 controllers, are you referring to just controllers specifically made and marketed for the 2600, or also controllers that were meant for other machines, and controllers that were intentionally generic? For example, Sega Genesis pads and Colecovision controllers work on the 2600, but they weren't intended for the 2600. Also, lots of third party companies (Epyx springs to mind, as does Wico) made rather generic controllers, that were meant to work on the 2600, Commodore and Atari computers, etc... There were a LOT of controllers that were made that just happened to have that nine pin connector on them, it was a pretty standard interface for a joystick for a long time.


Ian Primus


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And lets not forget those handicapped people. They need Atari too.



and others....



and the electronic health bike (everyone has one of these) :ponder:


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* waits patiently for MrRetroGamer to post his endless list of controllers *  :D


A little slow today, but my ears do perk up when I hear someone mention controllers!


Check out a bunch here at my Oddball Joystick museum site (thumbnails below):




Looking left to right, starting at the top:


GIM Fire Command, GIM Fire Command (4 button), Starplex, BC Blaster, Comp Pro


G.A.M.E.S. joystick, Newport ProStick II, Zircon Video Command (2 button), KY Fingertip, Epyx 500XJ


WICO (red ball), WICO (Colecovision), Suncom Joysensor (CV), VPI High Score HS15 (CV), Gemstick (CV)


Spectravideo Quickshot Delux (CV), Amiga Powerstick (CV), Champ Keypad Adapter (CV), Newport ProStick III (CV), Questar QC-IIC (CV)


Faster Blaster, Zircon Video Command, Champ, WICO Trak Ball, Electra Concepts Triga Command.


The CV sticks are included because the WILL work on Atari systems. I have to update the site to include some recent additionsl like the Sansei joystick and the CBS Stick Stands.


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