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2600 help


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alright, im new to here, so bare with me. i know this may be very common, but i recentley got an atari from my friend and i hooked it up using a game switch(brand new), and all i get is those vertical colors lines and a buzzing sound. i've tried just about everything. if anyone can help, much appreciated.

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Sounds like you got a good connection to the tv if your getting vertical lines and sound.Try cleaning the carts with q-tip with rubbing alcohol on the end (not too much...I hear that 90% alchohol is best..less water mixed in).Also,compressed air in a can rocks.Blows away dust.I love the stuff :)

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Vertical hum bars almost always mean a bad connection to the cart. Check to make sure the contacts on the 2600 are not corroded or dirty. I have found that a good way to clean them is with a folded bit of thin cardboard like a business card or an index card. Just press the fold of the card into the cart slot gently, and then pull it back out. It should have black marks along the edge from the dirt. Clean the cart connector with a qtip and alcohol. Also, when inserting the cart, put it in at a slight angle to get it to make slightly different contact with the pins. This sometimes helps. Also, try multiple carts. You just might have a bad cart.


Ian Primus


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