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What would have been shipped in this box?


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I just recently got a bunch of non atari stuff in the mail. When I got the box, I looked at the tape, and it said Atari - PILFER PROOF TAPE



If this tape is broken

do not give clear

receipt without



I was wondering if this was used from atari if someone had sent some of their atari stuff back to atari to be fixed and this is atari's way of making sure it got back to them.


It wasn't atari stuff that was sent to me so it had to come from atari and used for some reason.


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I would say somebody out there has a few extra rolls of Atari Tamper Tape. It's tape put on boxes to let buyers know if someone has previously opened (and possibly removed stuff) the box. It was probably a box that game carts come in. That would place the box about 8x8x12 inches or so (games shipped useually 6-8 to a case). Or maybe it was for systems (useually 2 systems to a case) That would make the box 16x20x24 or so (don't remember system box deminsions)


Walmart gets boxes like that all the time, except it's Nintendo, Sony tape instead of Atari.

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I got a box like that from Atari themselves when I had to return my faulty JagCD unit to them. They sent me another barebones Jaguar instead of a replacement JagCD. Had to send it back and get another replacement JagCD, this time, sealed in box. I'm not sure what I did with that spare copy of the Tempest 2000 soundtrack. . . .

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