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Any calculator ports of 2600 games??


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One of my friends at work has this TI calculator, which he primarily uses to play video games on. Tetris, Duck Hunt, and Mario were there, but I didn't see any Atari games. Are there any ports to calculators of 2600 games? Not that it really matters, I don't have one of these calculators, Im just interested. I imagine playing Tetris and making it look productive must be a blast for people who have these. :)




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I used to do a lot of programming on the TI-83+. I wrote a Space Invaders clone and a Kaboom! clone, as well as a couple of menu drivin adventure games. I don't know what ever happened to them, I backed them up onto my PC years ago (back when I still used Windows), and I think they are probably lurking on a Bernoulli cartridge somewhere. But check the 'net, I am sure that there have been many calculator ports of classic games. I know of at least one Pac-Man clone, and I know I have seen a clone of Activision Boxing.


Ian Primus


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