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Atari Color Vector CRT Arcade monitor (Wells Gardner) New Old Stock

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Hello.  I’m trying to figure out exactly what I have here and a possible value range.  I got it in a lot of CRTs and the seller said it was new old stock never used.  I believe him as it is dust free and I even have the original bill of sale.  I believe this is a vector crt meaning it can be used in an old Star Wars arcade cab and possibly some others?  Anyone know of a value on this thing?  Thanks in advance. 





Edited by tbone3969
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  • 4 weeks later...

That's commonly known as a WG6100.  Yes, it's a color vector monitor.  Used in Tempest, Space Duel, and other Atari games.

STar Wars used an Amplifone monitor, but many were converted to WG6100 over time.


Don't plug it in to test it!  

You could damage it if you do.


If it's truly NOS then it's been sitting for 3+ decades...it will need to be serviced before use.

There's a proper bring up procedure to avoid accidental damage.

Anyone in the market to buy it will understand this and they shouldn't use "untested" as a price leverage.


Location matters....you don't want to ship that thing.  Where is it?


For selling price, you're looking at hundreds...as a bottom end.


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It would go $1k+ but as advised, dont plug it in. You would need an atari vector cabinet to power it up.  but the caps are all dried out by now. it probably would run for about 10 seconds and then start blowing things up.


a friend of mine needs a monitor in michigan. the 6100 tube in his star wars lost vacuum and is toast.. he just bought a space duel to steal the monitor out of it and feels guilty about taking it from a matching numbers cabinet.


dont ship it. cash and carry.  maybe offer to meet at a pinball or arcade show.

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Thanks for all the help guys but this thing has been sold for weeks now.  I got much more than I paid for it.  It went to an arcade collector who said he had Star Wars cab that he needed a monitor for so I hope he does use it.  Who knows as he may just be a flipper as I let it go for under 1K.  Wish I waited a little longer to do more research but I just wanted it out of my garage.  It's been sitting here for years collecting dust.  I only paid $100 for it.  

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as long as your happy, thats all that matters. I am sure the way star wars can eat monitors, he probably has a need. but it looks better with an amp tube(but thats $2k+ in parts)


if your not around when the star wars fails, your lucky if it burns a dot in the middle of the screen.  next bad is a flat line either horizonal or vertical.  worst one I have ever seen is one burnt the size of a baseball in the center of the screen.



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