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Vectrex HSC - Jun 2024 - Vector Patrol

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Round 4 - June 2024 - Vector Patrol


This is the current round being played in the Vectrex High Score Club. Join in and submit your scores!



Current scores & ranking:

1st playvectrex 98,680

2nd VF2048/Vorkosigan 67,650

3rd Chainsaw 55,410

4th TheCurlyBard 51,440

5th jbrodack 49,950

6th Lord Innit 49,700
7th Mikey50 28,430

8th hcmffm 26,600

9th jgkspsx 23,300

10th Darrin9999 11,230





A fantastic homage to Moon Patrol, jump shoot and score!



Released in 2018 this is still readily available from the author Kristof Tuts of Tutstronix - http://www.kristofsvectrexgames.be/



Mode 2 - normal mode


Edited by hcmffm
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Posted (edited)


Vector Patrol: 37250 Picture taken after loosing the last life. It is still possible then (during the moon buggy explodes) to pause the game and do a picture of the score.


But as I see above on Mikey50's picture, that it is also no problem on the reset screen. (And the serial number there is a good proof  that the screenshot was taken from the own game. Will also do next time the foto there, it is much easier.)


I continued a bit playing then, but have no practise anymore.


Edited by Chainsaw
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Ok I think I figured out how we should play this game... here's my suggestion for scoring:

It defaults to normal mode which I think is probably a good one to use, but after a while of playing it will potentially save progress and give you an advantage, I'm not really sure though.

So in the configuration menu you can reset all scores and progress.

When you start out you will have extra credits which will allow you to continue longer, however your score resets if you continue... so there's not much advantage to continuing, and thus those extra credits don't matter much.


What you really want to do is reset the game, start on the Beginner's Level and try to get as far as you can without using Continue.  If you use continue it will reset your score, and then I'm not sure if you will get the high score page with your previous score, so just let the continue run out and enter your initials.

If you are quick you can take a picture of your score right there, or reset again and wait until the Demo Level plays out.  The high score tables will then be displayed for pictures.


This was the first game (after maybe 20) that I beat the Beginner's Level and kept going onto the Champion's Level, without a continue.  Then I promptly lost all of my lives in the Champion's Level because I didn't really know what was coming.

This game is very much all about practice and remembering what is just around the corner, and getting good at dodging the bombs from flying enemies.


If you beat the Champion's Level, the game will remember this and keep resetting to that level instead of the Beginner's Level.  Perhaps those scores can be ok as well, but I bet you'll have a higher score if you start over at the beginning of the Beginner's Level and make it all of the way through both.


You can see on the high score table 1 (easy), 2 (normal), or 3 (hard) squares next to Course Number, indicating the difficulty level.

This is a very well designed game, and before you practice a lot (and even after), it's also mildly infuriating to go for high scores because it requires so much perfection.



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Posted (edited)

Slight improvement tonight, still haven't beaten the Champions Course.

You can save your high score, and then continue for more practice after that point.

Just have to wait until after the Demo Course to see the high score screen after you reset.



Edited by playvectrex
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Posted (edited)

Today score: 55410 (did again a picture during loosing my last life).  But for next time, the idea with deleting the high score list is also an option. Or as usual the reset screen what is no problem here with the serial number and maybe the sticker that it is a HSC score. (But do not accidently delete the Bonus stuff, good that there are several options in the menu)


I also finished the beginners course without continue, but the champions course 1 is not easy without learning the timing of jumping and shooting (mines or enemies / rocks etc.) Was not able to finish it with all continues 😞   Oh and I didn't remember that there are also champions courses 2 and 3... (Just saw it in the high score lists.)  I think this is the reason that you start at champion 1 course after beating it -> To avoid starting again from beginners course to beat champion courses 2 and 3 ?  But I also don't know anymore.  





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Yeah I think if we get good enough, starting at Champions Course 1 and getting to 3 will be plenty high of a score.  Champions is already pretty tough though with the variety of obstacles... I keep thinking I need to write down notes of each area to remember what's coming.  If you what the demo course, sometimes it cycles to another course beyond the Champions one as well.  This game has a lot of value to unlock :D 

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That's a bummer that the EPROM is not working.  I think it's an I2C type EEPROM that uses the /IRQ and PB6 lines.  Curious if your Vectrex is anything special like a no-buzz late model vectrex or??

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5 hours ago, playvectrex said:

That's a bummer that the EPROM is not working.  I think it's an I2C type EEPROM that uses the /IRQ and PB6 lines.  Curious if your Vectrex is anything special like a no-buzz late model vectrex or??

It had a recap last year according to a sticker on the back. It's not a no-buzz. I need to get my first Vectrex back up and running to see if it saves ok on that one.  

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After a long time, I've played Vector Patrol again today. Reset the old scores to give it a fresh try again. After some attempts reached Champions Course and was defeated by the tank that's sitting behind the crater. 

I remember that I beat it before but I don't remember any longer how I did that... Have to get the knack for it again...


So far:  50700


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8 hours ago, TheCurlyBard said:

My order shipped! My fault for not ordering early enough, looking forward to joining in more this month

Great stuff! It should arrive fairly soon.  I wonder, how many copies have been sold now?

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2 hours ago, Lord Innit said:

Tiniest of improvements. 49700.  450pts more.  Need I have bothered?  Yep.   :)


A pb is a pb! Still the same buzz and the next one isn't far away.


It's slightly annoying when I get a lucky run and smash my score, there's a sinking feeling it's gonna take ages to beat

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Sat down yesterday and today for a bit to play and most games I barely finish the Beginners Course with 0 lives remaining, so can't get much further.  But this game I had 4 lives showing at the end of Beginners Course.  I was able to make it most of the way through the Champions Course with the rest of those lives, and this is the score I got.  With all of my continues I was able to make it finally to the end of the Champions Course and almost made it all of the way back through again.  For a while there I didn't think I would be able to beat the final stretch which has a really difficult mine field pattern.  Finally figured out the trick.  Champions Course 2 is basically the same as CC1, but maybe it's harder somehow... didn't seem like it though.  The Demo showed me Death Valley Course 2 I think with anti-gravity fields and stuff, so that must be after the Champions Course.  Unfortunately even though I beat the CC with continues, it starts again at BC for some reason.  Maybe you have to beat BC and CC without continues to start at CC next time?  Or maybe it always starts at BC... not sure because I'm not good enough yet :D


s/n: 808

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5 hours ago, Lord Innit said:

I'm having a devil of a time just getting my jump right over that hover jet thing that comes up from behind early on CC1.  

Want a tip?  Highlight the below text...

Spoiler tip for Hover Jet
For that hover jet enemy, you want to always be moving away as fast as you can, then when it catches you let it basically touch your back tires and press jump and brake hard left on the joystick... then shoot to kill .

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Looks like Vector Patrol is an exact copy of Moon Patrol as far as I can tell.  There are differences in the hit box of some things I think so I don't think this is completely possible, but look how effortless this looks! ❤️ 



Edited by playvectrex
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