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Sega Genesis Controller Differences


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Been trying to compare different builds.  I was reading something on line at some point and it spiked my curiosity.  So I began working on getting my hands on controllers.


So far what ive found out and would like any input you have as well. 


Original 1650: I keep just to have original hardware that would have came with my Model 1.

1. Red Letters and Arrow.

2. Have a d-pad with a plastic bump as the pivot.

3. Have the more block like connector

4. Made in Taiwan (all 3 models i had)

5. Has gold plated contacts

are from 1989 and of the 3 I have the latest date on the inside of shell is April 1992 


1st Variant A slight improvement

1. only Black and White

2. the d-pad has a steel ball bearing in the membrane for the pivot.

3. the one i had did have the more rounded of the connectors(but read online from others that some may have had the block connector)

4. Made in China May 1993 but PCB was Japan in 1992. A second i have of this is Japan PCB date 1992 Shell Japan Oct 1993

5. Has carbon coated contacts


2nd Variant  My favorite build feels best

1. only Black and White

2. d-pad is captured to the outer shell.

3. rounded connnector type

4. Made in Malaysia No PCB date Shell Sept 1993 and a second control No PCB and Shell Aug 1994

5. d-pad is also significantly smaller than the first 2.  You can actually see a ring of space between it and the shell unlike the first 2.

6. Has carbon coated contacts.


Original Back.jpg

Original Dpad 2.jpg

Original Front.jpg

Original PCB Back.jpg

Original PCB.jpg

Japanese Back.JPG

Japanese Board.jpg

Japanese Dpad.JPG

Japanese Front.JPG

Japanese Inside Back.JPG

Japanese Inside Front.JPG

Malaysia  (6).jpg

Malaysia  Back.jpg

Malaysia  Front Empty.jpg

Malaysia  Front.jpg

Malaysia  Inside Back.jpg

Malaysia  Inside Front.jpg

Malaysia  pcb.jpg

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