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Splatform 2600 (just another new homebrew minigame)

Thomas Jentzsch

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@Thomas, do you have any plans to release either of your minigames on carts in the near future?

Yup, I think so.


If I (or you?) have some good ideas I might add another one or two and put them on one single cart. Or I'll ask Paul for some "magic music". :)

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@Thomas, do you have any plans to release either of your minigames on carts in the near future?

Yup, I think so.


If I (or you?) have some good ideas I might add another one or two and put them on one single cart. Or I'll ask Paul for some "magic music". :)


Now there's a swell idea! You the man, Thomas!

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Please check here!


What, *ANOTHER* boring copy of someone else's game idea? Is this all you can do... copiess of other stuff, and modifications of other peoples' games. Are you, perhaps, AFRAID to take the risk and develop something new? Where are your original ideas?! Sometimes I think you're only in this for the fame and glory, but really it's originality that brings the girls. Look at me, for example... rolling in womanhood.


Why don't you take a deep breath - take a risk and put your talents towards something new and exciting, instead of rehashing all those old ideas. I'm sure that even you could make something that's playable, at least.


Your loving Roland.

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Did it ever occur to you that perhaps maybe, just maybe, he programs games that haven't appeared on the 2600 console simply because it's something that he enjoys to do? Sure, it's no Choplifter...but it's pretty addictive nonetheless.

Which games have you done? Anything original? Anything not original?

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What, *ANOTHER* boring copy of someone else's game idea?


C'mon, that's just mean. Thomas is clearly an amazingly gifted programmer... one of the best the 2600 has ever seen, classic or modern era. Just look at Thurst... that's a game that just shouldn't be playable on a 2600 at all!


As for originality, I simply suspect Thomas enjoys the art of programming more than he does brainstorming for ideas. And there's nothing wrong with that... just look at the long list of programmers and artists attached to every single piece of software released these days. Only a couple of them had anything to do with coming up with the idea... the rest simply lent their talents to making the project happen.


The Atari community loves you, Thomas, so don't let the naysayers get you down!

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Did it ever occur to you that perhaps maybe, just maybe, he programs games that haven't appeared on the 2600 console simply because it's something that he enjoys to do?  Sure, it's no Choplifter...but it's pretty addictive nonetheless.

Which games have you done?  Anything original?  Anything not original?


Oh, there's no doubt that Thomas ENJOYS it, and that he's GOOD at it. I just think he's 'cruising' when really he could be pushing his ability and giving us so much more. In other words, he's being a bit lazy. He's capable of so much more.


Everyone is telling him how good he is. Well yes, he's talented, for sure. But is he really using that talent in the best way? Would you admire a painter if all he did was very good copies of other painter's work?


Let me put it another way; Thomas could write great 1K minigames till the cows come home. He'd be able to knock up as many conversions as he could find good games to copy. And they'd still be among the best '2600 games ever written. But they'd still just be boring copies of games from other platforms. Truly great artists don't sit down and copy other artist's work! Part of being truly great is developing one's own style.


I think Thomas is a bit cozy in his current situation - sure, if he wants to sit back and enjoy the adulation from everyone then fine let him do that. But I'll be disappointed that he didn't really achieve the potential he has shown he has.


Surely these days programming the '2600 is not just about making another cute little program which took a couple of days to knock up. It's about challenging oneself to create something that was thought impossible, but also about creating something that is truly a product of one's own mind.


What is Thomas's motivation in making these 1K minigames? I suspect the enjoyment for him is having a project which takes only a few days to complete, is well received by all of you adulating disciples, and which allows him to play with his next pretty kernel for a few days more.


I want to see Thomas working on the next Solaris, or something which is going to be considered the best '2600 game ever written, the best game design to come out of the homebrew scene, etc., etc.


As to what I've done - it's really not the issue. I've done my share of original work, in my time. Some of it dreadful, most of it average. I'm sure I could do very good copies, too. I just think my obvious talent is better spent in a more creative fashion.


Is an average but original game better than a brilliant copy of an existing game? I think so. Any number of people can and will make copies of the existing game. Brave souls commit themselves to possible failure by trying original things.


Having said all that, Thomas is my hero. I want to be just like him when I grow up.

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Not that you said anything outlandish, it's just your opinion on how 2600 programming should be done these days. But it's really bad form to bring it up in this thread when Thomas is sharing his minigame. Start another more critical thread and people can discuss it there.


But to me you seem like a critic that wants art your way or no way. There's a hundred people who appreciate and enjoy Thomas' works but you don't like the direction he's taking so you have to mock.

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So somebody is being lazy and selfish if they aren't giving 110% back to the community all the time?? And just who is deciding what calibur the games need to consist of before they are deemed "worthy" of being SHARED?? :? :? No offense, but you really need to take a good whiff of what is in that shovel. It's been said many times before that one of the attractions of working on an older system like the 2600 is that the programmer doesn't need to answer to anyone. It's often hard to find enjoyable titles on a MODERN system with TEAMS of programmers designing it...so we should criticise programs that people made by themselves in their own free time and offered back to the community as a gift??


It's attitudes like that which stifle creativity, not encourages it.


I just think my obvious talent is better spent in a more creative fashion.


So it's better to create nothing if you can't create the next "killer app"?

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I want to see Thomas working on the next Solaris, or something which is going to be considered the best '2600 game ever written, the best game design to come out of the homebrew scene, etc., etc.

Maybe I am just warming up again? ;)


After the Fish/Thrust disaster I felt very demotivated for quite along time. And now that it looks like this is going to have an end soon, I got back the fun.


And the 2003 Minigames Competition was real fun. To see what other people are doing inside 1K made me want to try it myself.


Is an average but original game better than a brilliant copy of an existing game?  I think so.  Any number of people can and will make copies of the existing game.  Brave souls commit themselves to possible failure by trying original things.

You obviously don't know how a boring und uninspired person I am. So anything "original" from me, would most likely also be very boring and uninspired. :)


Nah, I know my limits. There are artists and craftsmen, I just try to be as good as possible in my part of the work.


Having said all that, Thomas is my hero.  I want to be just like him when I grow up.


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