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Season 15 ~ Week 22 (Final Week) ~ Beat The Leaders 3

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Week 22

Beat The Leaders 3


Fantastic Voyage

 CLARIFICATION: No use of CHEATS, emulation advantages, bugs, cart frying or other variables that gives you an unfair advantage in this HSC. Please assume you have to follow the game difficulty and mode for the playing week/s. There cannot be any game enhancements or favorite settings to play in the 2600 HSC, unless you are given authorization to do so by your humble yet strict MODERATOR! Vocelli


Fantastic Voyage

Released By: 20th Century Fox

Left Difficulty: B

Right Difficulty: B

Game Mode: 1 (Default)


Post your scores right here in this thread, and we will add them to the list. Remember to play the game with the recommended game mode and difficulty settings as shown above so that your scores will be consistent with everyone else.

The deadline for posting scores is Midnight (EST) the evening of, June 16, 2024



Beat the Leaders

Beat (or Tie) any of the Following Leaders for +3 Bonus Points!

Possible 12 Bonus Points This week!






For the 4 Leaders: (Centipede Fan, Kermit, WarZownd, ZilchSr)

Beat (or Tie) any of your fellow leaders for +3 bonus points PLUS finish first for +3 more!

12 Possible Bonus Points This Week!




Fantastic Voyage Scores


491406 - ZilchSr (+12) (+100)

350895 - JasonAtari (+9) (+98)

333219 - OyamaFamily (+9) (+96)

297537 - GBAG (+9) (+94)

297350 - WarZownd (+6) (+92)

281222 - McCallister (+6) (+90)

277191 - Absalon (+6) (+88)

259849 - Vocelli (+6) (+86)

249265 - CentipedeFan (+3) (+84)

248806 - Alex (+3) (+82)

246936 - Kermit (+80)

245293 - CapitanClassic (+78)

244029 - JasonHRB (+76)

241628 - DrMooCowz (+74)

203260 - LaurenTyler (+72)

200032 - AtariSphinx (+70)

193975 - Keilbaca (+68)

153185 - FakeCortex (+66)

150851 - Mack (+64)

142845 - Keir (+62)

124741 - Slider (+60)

  96429 - Evandro (+58)

  70517 - 5x7 (+56)

  63508 - Krytol (+54)

  50783 - Micha (+52)

  42329 - MoisesTuseto (+50)

  33602 - Atarian7 (+48)

  13855 - AGB (+46)

  12965 - Mikey (+44)

  10709 - AtariWarlord (+42)


Overall Standings

Remember the Top 26 will qualify for the Tournament!!!

Possible Major Leagues 

1176     Kermit
1173     CentipedeFan
1133     WarZownd
1129     ZilchSr
1112     Absalon
1101     McCallister
1085     Capitain Classic
1077     Alex
1074     JasonAtari
1070     JasonHRB
1030     AtariSphinx
993     OyamaFamily
974     Keilbaca


Possible Minor Leagues 

919     Vocelli
843     Mack
789     Dr MooCowz
788     Evandro
788     Slider
776     FakeCortex
746     GBAG
733     LaurenTyler
730     Keir
717     5x7
699     Atarian7
687     MoisesTuseto
662     Mikey


On The Bubbble

622     Micha
601     AtariWarlord
504     Krytol
478     ClassicGamer
408     LivingRoomArcade
404     UnRedeemed
346     JamesBradWitt
291     AGB
278     PengPeng
267     JacobZu7Zu7
234     JimHopper
232     GType
190     Mchetzel
182     DomBradley
163     HumanPacman
156     TheActivisionary
150     LittlemanJack
128     RetroBreakout
108     SkippyBCoyote
102     Zoyx
75     Alena
69     DonForster
67     RetroRussell
65     BigFriendly
64     JBlenkle
60     Rickster
57     MustardCowboy
56     SneakyTurtleEgg
41     Micheloni
36     RetroDean
35     RGC
26     JeremiahK
23     SnowBound
22     DevBR
20     RedMiller
10     Kris


Tournaments Start NEXT WEEK!


The TOP 26 will qualify for the End the Season Challenge.

The End of Season Challenge is:


Major Leagues Survivor 3 Strikes Tourney

~ The Top 13 Players will Qualify

~ It will last 3 Rounds (No more or no less)

~ 3 Games per round and 2 weeks per round

~ Receive a STRIKE by finishing in the bottom half of scores for each game.

~ The GOAL… Just survive by not getting 3 strikes.

~ Any Player NOT receiving 3 strikes by the end of the 3 Rounds, gets to pick a game for Season 16.

~ The Top 4 Ranked players from Regular Season will have a hand in picking the 3 games each round.

(The Major Leagues will last 6 Weeks)


Minor Leagues Survivor Tourney

~ The Players who are ranked 14-26 in Regular Season will Qualify.

~ It will last 4 Rounds (No more or no less)

~ ONE game per round and ROUND ONE will last 2 weeks.

~ Round 2 -4 will last 1 week ONLY.

~ Finish in the bottom half in scoring for that game and you are automatically eliminated.

~ ONLY the last remaining Player will get to pick a Game for Season 16!

~ The TOP 2 ranked players will get to pick the game the first week ONLY.

~ Top 2 Scores each week will get to help choose the game.

(The Minor Leagues will last 4 Weeks)


Fantastic Voyage.bin

Edited by Vocelli
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This is it! The last game of Season 15.


Fantastic Voyage was chosen because it has been a fantastic voyage for me as Moderator in the 2600 HSC.

This will be my last season as Moderator. (I will run the tournament as well).


As I am newly retired, I will be traveling more and visiting people who I have not seen in decades.

I will not be able to set up a new season and update scores/standings promptly like I have done for a total of 12 seasons! (Promptness kept people involved)

12 Seasons... wow. That is the most of any 2600 HSC Moderator ever. I hope I have given you a reason to play the 2600.

It has been fun setting up the seasons and seeing all the amazing scores!

Moving forward I will certainly play every week once the new season starts.

Now, we need a new Moderator. So, please send me a Private Message if you are seriously interested. If your Pm reads...'I think I can do it'... don't bother. I would rather have someone PM me and say, ' I will do it'. I will collect all interested names and we will vote on the new Moderator once Week 22 is over.


Good Luck to all. The Tournament should be GREAT!





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I tried being the moderator once, but it didn't work out for me, as I had too much difficulty keeping track of all the scores and all that.  Regardless, it has been a fantastic voyage with you, and you will be missed.  Thank you for being our fantastic moderator for the high score club!


Oh yeah... 116,942

Fantastic Voyage (1982) (20th Century Fox).png

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Wow @Vocelli! I didn't realize you ran that many. I'm an AA pandemic baby, starting my first 2600 HSC with season 10 in May of 2020. It's been a lot of fun playing here and discovering so much that the VCS has to offer. This got me diving into some excellent homebrews and snagging a Harmony cart. Fantastic job moderating, enjoy retirement, and I look forward to continuing to compete with ya! No score yet, but I wanted to get my accolades out.

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I think the thing that helped me improve my score is by knowing which targets to prioritize.  If you've read the manual, there's an error in which the blood cells in the second stage are erroneously referred to as 'clotlets.'  Here's how I see things:

DEFENSE CELLS: These are the missile-like objects that shoot from the left side of the artery to the right.  These are entirely optional, as they do give you points, but missing one won't cause any damage to the patient.


ENZYMES: The enzymes look a little like keys.  Shooting one will improve the patient's condition a little, so make sure you shoot one whenever you see it.  If you need an enzyme, try to avoid touching the walls as doing so will reduce the chances of getting an enzyme.

ANTIBODIES: When your sub touches the edge of the artery, these bouncing ball-shaped objects will appear.  Make sure to shoot them, as letting one get by will cause damage to the patient.

BLOOD CELLS: The blood cells look like small asteroids.  Make sure you DON'T SHOOT THEM! While they take multiple shots to destroy completely, even a single shot will cause damage to the patient.

BACTERIA: The bacteria... I dunno how to describe how they look, although you can see them in my picture below.  They must be shot three times to be completely destroyed, and missing one will cause damage to the patient.  A damaged bacteria causes less damage to the patient than a full one, but regardless you can't risk letting too many get by.

CLOTLETS: These appear before the actual blood clot.  These things are invulnerable and can't be destroyed.  You can receive points if you shoot them, but it's not worth it.

BLOOD CLOT: Try to slow down for the blood clot, as crashing into it will result in an automatic game over.

Fantastic Voyage (1982) (20th Century Fox)_1.png

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Posted (edited)

So, not just the end of a season, but the end of an era. Like all of us I'd like to say a big thank you to Vocelli for running the HSC all this time. I started playing during his time running the show, and his approach has been key to why I have enjoyed it so much. 


His friendly approach to running the HSC, the intelligent choice of games that mix well known favourites with some lesser known gems (and the off blooper of course . . . . . . .River Patrol I'm looking at you here :) ), and the continued evolution through things such as the 3 strikes tourney have all contributed hugely to why I have enjoyed things so much.  It's also been key to why this is a thriving little community of regular players across at least 4 continents. . . . . . .that's quite the acheivement when you stop and think about it.


Vocelli will be a hard act to follow, but I'm sure whoever takes over will make sure this remains a great way to spend some free time. And @Vocelli , I'm really glad you'll still be around as a regular player.


As for the game itself. it's a good one to end on. It has a real "vertical Scramble" feel to it which I like, and the unusual premise contributes to some interesting gameplay mechanics. It also "fits together" nicely in that way all of the best 2600 games do.I think it lacks a certain indefineable spark when compared to the very best games, but it's a lot of fun nonetheless, and  a fitting way to finish the season.


Anyway, that's enough from me. Here's (for the last time in the Vocelli era) a score:


Fantastic Voyage (1982) (20th Century Fox)_3.png

Edited by Jasonhrb
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Vocelli, thanks for everything you've done! You've done a great job on this moderator thing and have set a high standard going forward! I hope retirement treats you well and maybe you'll have some extra time just playing games, too!


Moving forward, I don't mind doing the "book keeping" side of things, but game selection and knowing if something is "off" on score submissions in this friendly club (wrong settings, cheating, etc) aren't things I'm good at knowing. But yeah, could offer that score tracking side of stuff if running the HSC turns into a tag team or group kind of thing.

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Thank you @Vocelli. This is my first season of HSC, and am having a great time revisiting and in some cases, getting to play for the first time, some of these classics.


Fantastic Voyage 106710


Edited by Alex_813
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First session with this game, pretty cool. Definitely one where reading that manual is key. Shout out to @Lauren Tyler for the clarification. I got a lot further when I avoided the asteroidy thingies. I feel like I’m a while away from the scores everyone is putting up, but I saved 2 patients!

Fantastic Voyage - 76,726


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On 6/6/2024 at 8:55 AM, Vocelli said:

I will collect all interested names and we will vote on the new Moderator once Week 22 is over.

Do you have any good candidates yet?


Also, will this be a public election or will everyone vote via PM to you?

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39 minutes ago, Atarian7 said:

Do you have any good candidates yet?


Also, will this be a public election or will everyone vote via PM to you?

Yes, I have 1 Candidate so far.

No public election. PM voting only.




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