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Season 15 ~ Week 22 (Final Week) ~ Beat The Leaders 3

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Today is the LAST DAY to post scores this week!

~ Monday Morning - updating scores and updating Overall Standings

~ Monday Afternoon - In a separate thread I will be announcing the winner of Season 15! Plus, you will get to vote for your Most Favorite Game, Most Surprising Game and Worst Game of Season 15.

~ Monday Afternoon - Tournament Set Up. Sending out requests for the Top 10 games of the four Top players in the majors. Sending out requests for the Top 10 games for the 2 Top players in the minors.

~ Starting the Tournament as soon as I receive the Top 10 Lists from the players.

~ Tuesday...Announcing the New Moderator OR Voting on a New Moderator.

THANKS everyone! Have a good Fathers Day.

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This game gets a lot better when you know not to shoot the blood cells, and that you should shoot the enzymes.  It's no wonder I was flatlining so quickly.  

Got up to over 92,000 first try, but hopefully I will do better today.

Edited by Atarian7
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Fantastic Voyage: 246936


This is an impressive game.  The difficulty ramps up at a good pace and eventually reaches a level that is very challenging, but not impossible.  When my game ends, I know it's because I screwed up rather than by getting spanked with some cheap death beyond my control.



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Fantastic Voyage




Looks like it's going to be a thriller at the end @kermit73.  I'm mighty terrible at this game.  I can't seem to navigate the White blood cell field on stage 5.  I crash and hug the wall so bad, it's flatline within a few seconds.  But....I got the rest of the evening to improve.  Good luck!




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