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Season 15 ~ Major League Tournament!

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Hmm, this might be a bit opf "history repeating itself" for me. Last season I got to to the final round, only to get drawn three games I was rubbish at, be last by a long way in all of them, and effectively guarantee everyone else a medal (there were only 5 of us left at that point, so only six strikes to be dished out and I got three of them 🤪)


This time round is a similar story, with Doggone it probably being the only one I have a realistic shout of a top half finish (Fantastic voyage is a long shot and I'm shocking at Jr. Pac Man even though I love it). Will hopefuly be a bit closer to the pace than last years final though, and apologies to anyone I knock out in my futile quest to keep up :) 


Anyway, that's enough from me, here are some scores  (all at least improvements from the regular season):




Jr. Pac-Man (1986) (Atari).png

Fantastic Voyage (1982) (20th Century Fox).png

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On 7/16/2024 at 8:25 PM, ZilchSr said:

Jr. Pac-Man - 75,370


Awesome score, Garrett. Could you provide tips to get better in Jr. Pac-Man, please (for both MAJOR and MINOR leaguers who are playing this game)?


I am facing the "mental block" to escape ghosts, be more agressive to eat blue ghosts and therefore get closer to the 70K-75K range in default variation.

Edited by oyamafamily
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4 hours ago, oyamafamily said:

Awesome score, Garrett. Could you provide tips to get better in Jr. Pac-Man, please (for both MAJOR and MINOR leaguers who are playing this game)?


I am facing the "mental block" to escape ghosts, be more agressive to eat blue ghosts and therefore get closer to the 70K-75K range in default variation.


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Im not sure I can offer any advice for those who score in the 30K range and below other than to just keep playing until you get better. For All others, the solution is simple: If you don't get at least 5 sets of 4 ghosts on the first board, and at least 4 sets on the second board, just start your game over. I myself reset if I don't get 22K on the tricycle board, and at least 42-43K by the end of the kite stage, because there are only so many points you could possibly earn before the root beer stage, and I can't see how anyone can get past that stage ... the damned ghosts run way too fast and you have effectively no chance to eat more than *MAYBE* one per power pellet and only if he's right on you when you grab the pellet. Most of the time I reach the root beer stage, I can't even finish half the board without losing the rest of my lives, if I have any left after the cat stage. There seems to be a massive spike in skill level needed between the cat and the root beer stage, made worse by the death traps in the corners. Tbh, I was kind of hoping someone could give *me* some pointers on how to finish that stage. I have a hard time believing the 200K+ score on TG is legit at all.


If you gain enough points on the first two boards (I would shoot for at least 35K), start doing the exact opposite on the drum stage. Forget eating the ghosts, using the aggressive time to get away from the ghost cluster and clear the board, eating ghosts and treats only if they're in the way, you'll need to save as many lives as you can until the cat stage. I usually end up dying at least once on it, and always game over very quickly if I reach root beer. You have to count on getting VERY lucky to get 1 or 2 root beers which are worth 5K each, but I almost always never survive long enough on the stage to get one with those freakin' corners.

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On 7/18/2024 at 5:42 AM, Jasonhrb said:

Hmm, this might be a bit opf "history repeating itself" for me. Last season I got to to the final round, only to get drawn three games I was rubbish at, be last by a long way in all of them, and effectively guarantee everyone else a medal (there were only 5 of us left at that point, so only six strikes to be dished out and I got three of them 🤪)


This time round is a similar story, with Doggone it probably being the only one I have a realistic shout of a top half finish (Fantastic voyage is a long shot and I'm shocking at Jr. Pac Man even though I love it). Will hopefuly be a bit closer to the pace than last years final though, and apologies to anyone I knock out in my futile quest to keep up :) 


Anyway, that's enough from me, here are some scores  (all at least improvements from the regular season):




Jr. Pac-Man (1986) (Atari).png

Fantastic Voyage (1982) (20th Century Fox).png

I was really lucky that my first 3 picks are the 3 games that we are playing 😃

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14 hours ago, Jason_Atari said:

I was really lucky that my first 3 picks are the 3 games that we are playing 😃

Yes, that does make a huge difference. I hit top 4 in both of the first two seasons of the 3 strike tourney, and being able to have a hand in game picking was a big factor in me being there or thereabouts in both (Silver medal in one, and narrowly missing out in the other as the only person not to medal to have "only" three stikes after the final round). In both of the last two seasons where I haven't managed  top four and ended up not involved in game picking, I've scraped into the final and got blasted when I got there  🤣🤪


It really is quite striking the difference that picking games or not can make. Not that I'm complaining I hasten to add. That's the system working exactly as it should, and giving an advantage at this stage to the people who've been the best players in the regular season. It's really fun to be playing in this kind of set up, and I just hope to make more of a nuisance of myself this time round than in the last final :)


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After many unsuccessful attempts and resets in this tough game, I finally broke the major 70K barrier in Jr. Pac-Man.

Game 1 B/B: 75,650

I am OFFICIALLY done for this game since my goal set is 70,000 points. Jr. Pac-Man requires MUCH MORE concentration comparing with Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man for the 2600. Now, I will try to improve my score in Fantastic Voyage and Doggone It!


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And a rather more modest improvement at Fantastic voyage. I'm hoping to improve further here (especially being so close to the end of the level), albeit probably not by enough to make a difference



Fantastic Voyage (1982) (20th Century Fox)_2.png

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On 7/18/2024 at 10:44 PM, ZilchSr said:

 Most of the time I reach the root beer stage, I can't even finish half the board without losing the rest of my lives, if I have any left after the cat stage. There seems to be a massive spike in skill level needed between the cat and the root beer stage, made worse by the death traps in the corners. Tbh, I was kind of hoping someone could give *me* some pointers on how to finish that stage. I have a hard time believing the 200K+ score on TG is legit at all.

My personal best is just barely over 70k and I have never made it to the root beer stage. I had hoped to beat that score when choosing this game for the regular season, but was unsuccessful in doing so. I must've run really good on getting all four ghosts on earlier boards to hit 70k without root beers.


My only experience with the root beer board is the few times I used the game select option to start on this board. I noticed that there are safe places where you can just sit and the ghosts will move in a loop and never attack you. If you could find a pattern from these safe places, the root beer board may turn out to be one of the easier ones to complete. It wouldn't take many root beer boards (gobbling up 20k of root beers each time) to get to the 200k score on TG.  I have also wondered if the ghosts can be steered if someone were to figure out how their movement is programmed.

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11 hours ago, kermit73 said:

 I must've run really good on getting all four ghosts on earlier boards to hit 70k without root beers.

Using the method as I described (pound ghosts on stage 1 and 2, prioritize clearing the board afterward), my scoring rate is much lower than it would otherwise be if I didn't ignore toys and ghosts between the drum and cat stages, using power pellets as simply an opportunity to scatter the ghosts away from me while I clear the board. I don't remember specifics, but I expect around 6K-8K (?) per stage after the first two. Whenever I find my focus reverting back to "I'll just try to eat that extra ghost' or "I better get the toy before it destroys a power pellet", my scoring rate ends up being much higher, but it's always game over a lot sooner. Your runs are either very good to get to 70K well before the cat stage, or my runs are not very good up to that point (or both). I've gotten 70K a handful of times, but I don't believe I've ever reached 70K as a result of the root beer stage, it's always reached before then. I simply get game over quickly whenever I do reach the root beer stage (3, maybe 4 times so far) having either 0 or 1 lives in reserve at that point.


I'll definitely be looking for those "safe spaces" 😆 As far as ghost behavior, there clearly is an algorithm and their movement *can be* predictable. I believe the green ghost, for example, when aggressive, will travel horizontally toward you, and then seems to prefer to travel up when they must turn, it seems red will always take the shortest route to you regardless of direction, and one of the other two ghosts behaves like the green ghost, except they prefer to turn down instead of up. My problem is that when I'm panicking in later stages, I forget who does what and strategy goes out of the window. TBH, I never even thought of practicing the root beer stage by simply starting a game on it ... That's a great idea. Maybe Ill finally learn how to complete half the stage without dying 2 or 3 times.

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