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Congratulations to:



Winner of the Atari 2600 

High Score Club Season 15

(First Time Champion!)


Final Standings

Major League Tournament Participants


1260     CentipedeFan
1256     Kermit
1241     ZilchSr
1231     WarZownd
1206     Absalon
1197     McCallister
1181     JasonAtari
1163     Capitain Classic
1162     Alex
1146     JasonHRB
1100     AtariSphinx
1098     OyamaFamily
1042     Keilbaca


Minor League Tournament Participants

1011     Vocelli
907     Mack
863     Dr MooCowz
849     GBAG
848     Slider
846     Evandro
842     FakeCortex
805     LaurenTyler
792     Keir
773     5x7
747     Atarian7
737     MoisesTuseto
706     Mikey


All Other Players for Season 15

674     Micha
643     AtariWarlord
558     Krytol
478     ClassicGamer
408     LivingRoomArcade
404     UnRedeemed
346     JamesBradWitt
337     AGB
278     PengPeng
267     JacobZu7Zu7
234     JimHopper
232     GType
190     Mchetzel
182     DomBradley
163     HumanPacman
156     TheActivisionary
150     LittlemanJack
128     RetroBreakout
108     SkippyBCoyote
102     Zoyx
75     Alena
69     DonForster
67     RetroRussell
65     BigFriendly
64     JBlenkle
60     Rickster
57     MustardCowboy
56     SneakyTurtleEgg
41     Micheloni
36     RetroDean
35     RGC
26     JeremiahK
23     SnowBound
22     DevBR
20     RedMiller
10     Kris


Season 15 is Over and now it is time to VOTE

You get to pick 2 games per Category

Pick from all games played from Season 15 HSC.

Post in the Thread.



*Favorite Game from Season 15

(2 games you loved to play from Season 15)


8 - River Raid

5 - Turmoil

4 - Millipede

3 - Dig Dug

3 - Thrust +

2 - Fantastic Voyage

2 - Doggone It!

2 - Solaris

2 - Kung Fu Master

1 - Threshold

1 - Juno 1st

1 - Robot Tank

1 - GI Joe

1 - Kaboom

1 - Tutankham

1 - Jawbreaker


*Most Surprising Game from Season 15

(2 games you thought were good but you never/rarely ever played it before. A nice surprise)


5 - Red Sea Crossing

5 - Roc N Rope

4 - Solaris

3 - Threshold

2 - Doggone it!

2 - Jawbreaker

2 - Thrust+

2 - River Patrol

2 - Tutankham

2 - Juno 1st

2 - Meoooow!2

1 - Fantastic Voyage

1 - Turmiol

1 - Kung Fu Master

1 - Bumper Bash

1 - Robot Tank


*Worst Game from Season 15

( 2 games you thought were bad and will never play again)


6 - River Patrol

5 - Cross Force

4 - Threshold

4 - Thrust+

3 - Red Sea Crossing

2 - GI Joe

2 - Meooow!2

1 - Kaboom

1 - Crossbow

1 - Robot Tank

1 - Roc N Rope

1 - Mario Bros

1 - Steeplechase

1 - Tutankham


Just Post Your Votes Below!






Edited by Vocelli
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1. River Raid, because of course it is. 🤪

2. Fantastic Voyage



1. Solaris

2. Roc N Rope


Least favorite:

1. River Patrol - omg ick

2. Kaboom - never liked it

Edited by ZilchSr
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Thanks everyone.  It was a great experience.  My first real attempt at a full season and I had a blast.  After I took a 1st place finishes on the first 3 weeks I was feeling pretty confident.  After Jr. pac-man I was pretty humbled.  I don't think I took another 1st place after that.  It was clear that there were some real good players in this field and everyone had their strengths and weaknesses at certain games and genres.  It was long, life came up often, sometimes it was a chore to break out some Atari and play, sometimes it was a joy.  Im sure most of us experienced this to some degree throughout.  I think @ZilchSr is very talented with numerous skillsets and @kermit73 and @Warzownd kept the pressure on throughout with a healthy fear of @McCallister submission's every week.  Everyone had their moments throughout and there was always a surprise player every week who would rise to the top.  I'm honored to have won against this field of players though there are plenty of players here who maybe could and should have won.  Don't want to go on and on so here's my lists.



1. Thrust+  just awesome

2. Kung-Fu Master



1. Still Thrust+

2. River Patrol  (actually my kind of game)


Least Favorite:

1. Meooooow!  Id rather play minesweeper

2. Red Sea Crossing    If I owned this grail I still wouldn't play it.

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- Fantastic Voyage - underrated favorite for me!
- Turmoil - also a lot of fun!




- Solaris - first time forcing me to really learn this and surprised at how deep of a game it is
- Threshold - this one clicked with me, despite never playing it before




- Crossbow - Not sure this is necessarily a bad game, but it never clicked with me
- GI Joe: Cobra Strike - I hate how slippery the controls feel

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Another great season in the books! Congrats to @CentipedeFan! You and the other top placers continue to amaze me with your insane scores. Thank you again to @Vocelli for keeping the trains on time. I always love the additions of bonus games and challenges.


As always, I was exposed to some new greats as well as some flops. I went back and looked at my comments each week, and if a game frustrated me, even if I liked them (looking at you Kaboom and longtime fav Jr. Pac-Man), I crossed them off my list for fav. Here we go...



- Robot Tank

- Doggone It!


Most Surprising:

- Tutankham

- Turmoil



- River Patrol

- Threshold

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Most Favorite Games:
Solaris & gi joe


Most Surprising Games:
river patrol & roc'n rope


Worst Game of Season 15.
mario bros (because scoring is broken) & cross force

Edited by Absalon
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Congrats to CentipedeFan! This is a great group that pushed me harder than I intended to go, as can be verified by my slacking the first 5 or so weeks 😆 Definitely a blast playing every week!


Favorites -  River Raid and Kaboom - always favorites of mine, but made new PBs on both because of the tournament.


Most Surprising - Kung Fu master, I always thought this version to be unplayable, it's super fun now

                        - Juno 1st - never played it, holy crap was that awesome


Worst - Threshold - those bullets were dumb hahaha

          - Red Sea Crossing - so slowwww

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Another enjoyable season, thanks for organizing and running it Vocelli, sad to see this will be your last time doing so.

Congrats CentipedeFan, well played and well deserved.

Favorites: Tutuankham: The game I chose and is one of my favourites.

               Doggone It!: One of my favourite homebrews ever.


Surprises: Thrust+: Never really gave this homebrew a chance, great C64 port.
               Meooooow!: Simplistic addictive gameplay.


Worst: River Patrol: Pretty ordinary.

          Red Sea Crossing: Such slow, tedious gameplay.

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Congratulations to @CentipedeFan on a well played season. Thanks to @Vocelli for running another fun HSC season, whomever replaces you has big shoes to fill.



Millipede - Still a frantic favorite. Better than Centipede in every way.

Turmoil - A nice take on Tempest. I still need to work out if the game can be easily exploited.



Red Sea Crossing - There is a reason rare games didn’t sell well. They usually have horrible gameplay, but with RSC, I was pleasantly surprised. It isn’t groundbreaking, but the controls are decent, and it’s a good candidate for a HSC score-a-thon.

Juno 1st - I think I played this in previous HSC, but this time I put serious time in to scoring well.


Least favorite:

River Patrol - Control on this game leads much to be desired. It is extremely difficult to move left/right and collect swimmers.
Meooow!2 - The randomness of collectable drops makes this game not much fun to play. If your special power to stop the items falling regenerated it might make a fun playable game.

Edited by CapitanClassic
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Congratulations to @CentipedeFan for a well-deserved win.  This was a very competitive season.  The standings were close most the season and there wasn't any one player that dominated the majority of the games.  We all had a few games we dominated, but we also had games which were a real grind and struggle.  The major leagues this post-season are going to be intense.


Now for my game picks...



  • Millipede - This was my favorite as a kid because it's challenging and impressive with the number of objects they managed to get on the screen at the same time.
  • Dig Dug - I had not played this one much up to this point and think this is a solid port of the arcade game.


Most Surprising:

  • Jawbreaker - When I hear TigerVision, I immediately think "crap game in the bargain bin".  This game was genuinely fun to play and perhaps overlooked back in the day because it was relegated to the bargain bin.
  • Bumper Bash - I have always enjoyed playing pinball, and have found most console pinball games to be severely lacking.  While this game still isn't anything close to real pinball (with goofy physics and no ability to nudge or tilt), I appreciated the creative use of the paddle controllers that allow you to control each flipper independently.  I was surprised to find myself wanting to play this game more than Kaboom the week both games were selected.


  • River Patrol - Your boat is way too big and difficult to navigate.  I think the game concept is good, but it was poorly implemented.
  • Thrust+ Platinum - This game was implemented well, but I'm not a fan of the game concept.  I don't like Gravitar, and I did not find this game fun to play.  While this isn't a game genre I particularly like, I do want to give credit to the homebrew developer for the impressive feat of programming a game such as this for the Atari 2600.
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My first time in the club, so thanks to everyone for making this so much fun.  I loved the discussion about strategies and whatnot.  And loved playing games I haven't even thought about in 40 years.  And finding new gems!  I wish I knew about the HSC years ago.


Congrats to CentipedeFan on the win, and Vocelli - thanks for the hard work running this!




Robot Tank - first person perspective on the 2600 will always impress me
Red Sea Crossing - very playable little game written by some dude who just wanted to try doing it


least fav


I think both of these have bad controls.  Meow even says something in the doc to the effect of "press up before the cat gets to the ladder" - which sounds to me like "it's got bad collision detection so we made it part of the game.  It's not a bug, it's a feature!"  (Still, an impressive feat writing a 2600 game at all...)


Honorable mention for least fav is Threshold because I think it cheats (bullets go right through enemies sometimes)

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What is remarkable about this season vs. all others:

There have been some occasions where the winner's final score was ~200 pts higher than 2nd place.

This season, less than 200 pts separated first place and 12th place.


Strong competition this season.

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Favorite Games

1 Thrust+: I was so impressed with this game when it came out and it still holds up as one of my favorites.
2 Turnoil: Always fun for a quick diversion!


Most Surprising Games

1. Red Sea Crossing: Never tried this one before because I assumed it would suck and, while flawed, I actually found it fun and played quite a bit.

2. Doggone It!: Of the homebrews I hadn’t played before, this was my favorite.


Worst Games

1. Cross Force: Interesting concept that is no fun to play.

2. River Patrol: I actually don’t think this is as bad as most people say it is, but it is still pretty awful.

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Well, another great season. I've really enjoyed the season, and would echo @ZilchSr that the standard of play has been superb this time around. For me personally, that was reflected in that this was my lowest finish in four seasons playing HSC, simply because the competition has been so strong this time around. That's fantastic for the competition and long may it continue. Thanks as ever to @Vocelli for making the whole thing work, and to my fellow players for making the whole thing such good fun. And as for the categories :


Best games


There has been so much competition here this season. Dig Dug, Kung Fu Master, Thrust+, River Raid, Jr. Pac Man, River Raid, Robot Tank, Solaris, Turmoil, Juno First, Kaboom, and Millipede all have a decent shout in this category. That's a dozen truly superb games from the season. But I can only pick 2, so I'm going to go for :


Solaris - Because it came so late, this one was never that well known outside hardcore 2600 fans, but there's an argument that in absolute terms (rather than relative to Rom size, release year etc), it might just be the best 2600 game of all (at least of those released in the systems commerical life). Certainly it's one of the most in depth, and also most visually impressive. I really enjoyed playing this one


River Raid - Just brilliant, and remarkable how this packed so much gameplay into just 4k. An absolute work of genius that arguably invented a whole new game genre in the vertical scrolling shooter


Biggest surprises


Many of the "honourable mentions" above would also be on a surprise list. But my two choices here are games that weren't quite as good as any of the above, but were much better than expected:


Red Sea Crossing - This was nowhere near as good as any of the games I mentioned in the best game discussion. But I expected this to be terrible, and it really wasn't. Far from the best game ever, but surprisingly entertaining, and it reminded me a bit of Hunchback which was an early favourite of mine on the C64. Being a solid 6 out of 10 game in itself far exceeded my expectations, which is enough for it to be my top surprise


Jawbreaker - I'd heard so much criticism of this, but I really enjoyed it. By far the best of the Tigervision games, and I'd far rather play this that Todd Frye's abomination of 2600 Pac Man any day


Worst Games


Not many stinkers this time round. There were a few I didn't particularly enjoy like Cross Force and GI Joe, but they were far from terrible. s for worst games, I'm going to go for a Tigervision double bill :


Threshold - I just didn't enjoy this at all. Nowehere near as bad as my other pick here, but there was nothing about it that appealed to me


River Patrol - Yikes this is awful.Jerky movement, blocky (even by 2600 statndards) visuals, poor control response, and an absolute ear screeching "tune" are all to be found here. And beyond a decent game idea (which was executed in a way so poor that terrible doesn't do it justice) , it is utterly without redeeming features. The fact that people were being asked to pay money for rubbish like this in North America kind of sums up why the industry imploded over there. It really was that bad, and might just be the worst game I've played in any HSC season


Anyway, that's enough from me. Now I'm off to the tourney thread to post a score :)






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