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The Making of Cannon Fodder & Sensible Soccer - Stoo Cambridge Interview (Sensible Software)

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The Making of Cannon Fodder & Sensible Soccer - Stoo Cambridge Interview (Sensible Software)


What are you memories of Cannon Fodder? How about Sensible Soccer? Learn how these two absolute Amiga classics were made with this really fun interview with Sensible Software legend Stoo Cambridge.



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Nice :)

The game came to my attention recently because I really wanted the author's blessing to bring it to another platform.

Contacting millionaires isn't very easy.


I changed my mind after realising the game just isn't the same without the mouse control it had on Amiga.

I believe it was ported to SNES? or some platform with a D-pad, and on YouTube it just looked awkward.

Cannon Fodder is the gold standard for gems of the era though.


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2 hours ago, Brek Martin said:

Nice :)

The game came to my attention recently because I really wanted the author's blessing to bring it to another platform.

Contacting millionaires isn't very easy.


I changed my mind after realising the game just isn't the same without the mouse control it had on Amiga.

I believe it was ported to SNES? or some platform with a D-pad, and on YouTube it just looked awkward.

Cannon Fodder is the gold standard for gems of the era though.


Cannon Fodder was ported to a number of console platforms (GBC, SNES, MD, JAGUAR, 3DO etc)... 


I believe both the SNES and MD versions offer mouse support if you have the MD or SNES Mouse, I seem to remember they both suffer somewhat on the audio side of things though? 


I've only really spent time on the Amiga, then Jaguar versions. 


The massive difficulty spike you encounter as soon as you hit the artic themed levels, kills it for myself, being hit by RPG's fired off screen, whilst your squad wades through water, just made me regret purchasing it on the Jaguar, given the high price vs the Amiga original. 


I just never got VFM from it. 

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