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VCF SE - Atlanta, GA July 19-21st

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We are celebrating the TI-99/4’s 45th birthday this year.  Come join us!  Details:   https://vcfed.org/events/otherevents/vintage-computer-festival-southeast/

@OLD CS1, @Ksarul, and I will all likely be there!  And we will have the most complete 99/4 on exhibit for the first time, with every sidecar, including the video controller and P-Code thanks to @Ksarul

Thanks to @arcadeshopper for helping me with a working disk drive!  I’m setting the whole system (minus Jim’s components) up this weekend to test everything together and give it a good burn in!

I just need to find a good selection of compatible carts since the FinalGROM doesn’t like the 99/4 key map (it runs - but I can’t press any keys.)  Anyone know if there’s a patch for the FG for this?


I do lack are the original /4  Zenith TV and the original /4 joysticks, but that’s ok, the /4A’s monitor and pain sticks will be there to substitute!

Hope to see you there!


Tbis years draft shirt art:



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If not for the tee shirt design, I would not be rushing back from Alaska for the show.


@acadiel I have a bunch of carts that should be compatible with the /4, but then I reckon you have them, as well.  Let me know if there is anything you are missing and want me to bring.


This year, I am planning to have my regular assortment of exhibits: two board-mounted units, a standard and a QI, running Dragon's Lair and Don't Mess With Texas, respectively, a SuperSketch (still no way to print, sorry,) an F18A-enhanced system for playing, and this year a stock system on a TV via modulator and playing a selection of classics.  If I have room, the projector will be up, again, mainly for Dragon's Lair, but I will also be able to switch between all of the systems on display!


As with previous years, I will also be streaming the event on Rumble.  I expect to have cameras up facing the exhibits showing them in use, positioned to not catch faces of attendees, but I may forego the cameras in favor of more 4A outputs in the stream.  We shall see.


As well, if all goes to plan, I will have a vast selection of items for sale via consignment.


A very special thank you to @acadiel for his assistance this year.  If not for him letting me stash my exhibits at his place for a week, and my program manager's generousness in allowing me to return from Alaska a day early, I would not be able to do this show.

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8 hours ago, acadiel said:

We are celebrating the TI-99/4’s 45th birthday this year.  Come join us!  Details:   https://vcfed.org/events/otherevents/vintage-computer-festival-southeast/

@OLD CS1, @Ksarul, and I will all likely be there!  And we will have the most complete 99/4 on exhibit for the first time, with every sidecar, including the video controller and P-Code thanks to @Ksarul

Thanks to @arcadeshopper for helping me with a working disk drive!  I’m setting the whole system (minus Jim’s components) up this weekend to test everything together and give it a good burn in!

I just need to find a good selection of compatible carts since the FinalGROM doesn’t like the 99/4 key map (it runs - but I can’t press any keys.)  Anyone know if there’s a patch for the FG for this?


I do lack are the original /4  Zenith TV and the original /4 joysticks, but that’s ok, the /4A’s monitor and pain sticks will be there to substitute!

Hope to see you there!


Tbis years draft shirt art:



@acadielDoes the FinalROM have the same issue with the keys?


I'm gonna have to try to drive the 4.5 hours up from south GA. and attend too, if I can.

Edited by RickyDean
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On 6/21/2024 at 9:20 AM, RickyDean said:

@acadielDoes the FinalROM have the same issue with the keys?


I'm gonna have to try to drive the 4.5 hours up from south GA. and attend too, if I can.

I haven't tried it, but it likely uses the same source or a derivative.  All the TI assembler is in here:  https://github.com/endlos99/finalgrom99/tree/master/ti and the code in question that is likely causing the issue is here: https://github.com/endlos99/finalgrom99/blob/master/ti/browser.a99


@Tursi can check me for correctness on this below file (I don't know remember if it's the authoritative one).  This was the header than @F.G. Kaal and I were using to turn his disk utilities into modules.  It had 99/4 support for lower case and the key scan in the boot code that the Final GROM can likely use.


We made this a long time ago - originally, it was the unspool code, then Tursi put all the 99/4 stuff in, and then we wound up with a very tightly, well written package that could copy any executable to 32K and cover the 99/4 and 99/4A very well.  Maybe someone can get this to the FinalGROM author to try?  Edit:  Just read through it - I don't see any key scan code - but I thought I had one that had some keyscan code.  I'll keep looking.  (I thought we had some cart header source that had some key scan differences, but maybe my memory is failing me.)  @Lee Stewart - you're a key scan guru - any ideas on why the above code in the 2nd Gitlab link isn't working on the 99/4?



       AORG >6000


GRMHDR BYTE >AA,1,1,0,0,0
       DATA PROG
       BYTE 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

       DATA CF2K
       BYTE 8
       TEXT 'CF2K 2.0'

* Copy Data for Modules *
* Format is:
* First, the address to load for the first source bank.
* Number of 32-bit words, source address, target address
* To end list, provide a start address greater than >8000
* (This means you can't start in the low RAM bank)
		DATA >076A,>6258,>A000,>076A,>6258,>BDA8
		DATA >076A,>6258,>DB50,>03BE,>7106,>2000
		DATA >A000

* CF2K Module *
CF2K	LWPI >8300
        LI R14,CF2KDT	 * address of copy table

* Common Code *
COPYLP	BL @GOGO * Set up Char Sets

		MOV *R14+,R7	 * get bank

ONEBLK	MOV *R14+,R4	 * Get bytes divided by 4
		JGT CONT		 * Branch if positive (less than >8000)
		B *R4			 * Else it's the jump address, so start the program

CONT	MOV *R14+,R9	 * Address to copy from
		MOV *R14+,R10	 * Address to copy to

		INCT R7			 * Next Bank


* Copy Routine *
* R4  - Bytes Div 4
* R7  - Bank switch address
* R9  - Address to copy from
* R10 - Address to copy to
* R11 - Return spot

    MOV R0,*R7   * Do the bank switch
    MOV *R9+,*R10+
    MOV *R9+,*R10+
    DEC R4
    B *R11         * We're done.

* Load lower case charsets *
* Note, if you still need space, you can remove support for the
* 99/4 by deleting the code marked between * +++ 99/4 support +++ begin/end
* blocks

 MOV R11,R9   * Save our return spot

* +++ 99/4 support begin +++

* load R3 with 6 for 99/4, or 7 for 99/4A
 BL @GETGPL   * read GROM >0000
 LI R3,7
 CI R0,>AA01  * 99/4 is AA01, all versions of 99/4A seem to be AA02 (even 2.2!)
 JNE IS4A     * note we also assume unknown is 99/4A just to be safe

* make a copy of the capitals for the 99/4 to 'support' lowercase
* this will be partially overwritten by the main set, but it works!

 LI R0,>0018  * GPL vector address
 LI R1,>4A00  * dest in VDP - must OR with >4000 for write
 LI R2,>0040  * how many chars
 BL @GPLVDP   * this function goes somewhere later in your ROM

* +++ 99/4 support end +++
* If you delete the above block, replace with
* LI R3,7
* so that the character size counter is still valid

* 'lowercase' letters
 LI R0,>004A  * GPL vector address (not available for 99/4)
 LI R1,>4B00  * dest in VDP - must OR with >4000 for write
 LI R2,>001F  * how many chars
 BL @GPLVDP   * this function goes somewhere later in your ROM

* main set
 LI R0,>0018  * GPL vector address
 LI R1,>4900  * dest in VDP - must OR with >4000 for write
 LI R2,>0040  * how many chars
 BL @GPLVDP   * this function goes somewhere later in your ROM
 B *R9        * RETURN TO CALLER

* GROM routines *

* Set GROM address
 MOVB R0,@>9C02
 MOVB R0,@>9C02
 B *R11

* Get a word from GPL
 MOVB @>9800,R0
 MOVB @>9800,R0
 B *R11

* Copy R2 characters from a GPL copy function vectored at
* R0 to VDP R1. GPL vector must be a B or BR and
* the first actual instruction must be a DEST with an
* immediate operand. Set R3 to 6 for 99/4 (6 byte characters)
* or 7 for a 99/4A (7 byte characters)
 MOV R11,R10    * save return address
 BL @GPLSET     * set GROM address
 BL @GETGPL     * Get branch instruction (not verified!)
 ANDI R0,>1FFF  * mask out instruction part
 AI R0,3        * skip instruction and destination
 BL @GPLSET     * set new GROM address
 BL @GETGPL     * get actual address of the table
 BL @GPLSET     * and set that GROM address - GROM is now ready!

 SWPB R1        * assume VDP is already prepared for write to save space
 MOVB R1,@>8C02
 MOVB R1,@>8C02 * VDP is now ready!

 MOVB R0,@>8C00 * pad the top of the char with a space
 MOV R3,R0      * then copy 7 (or 6) bytes

* +++ 99/4 support begin +++

 CI R3,6        * check for 99/4
 MOVB R0,@>8C00 * extra blank line for 99/4

* +++ 99/4 support end +++
* no changes needed if this block removed

 MOVB @>9800,@>8C00  * copy a byte (both sides autoincrement)

 DEC R2         * next character

 B *R10



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On 6/23/2024 at 11:22 AM, acadiel said:

I haven't tried it, but it likely uses the same source or a derivative.  All the TI assembler is in here:  https://github.com/endlos99/finalgrom99/tree/master/ti and the code in question that is likely causing the issue is here: https://github.com/endlos99/finalgrom99/blob/master/ti/browser.a99


@Tursi can check me for correctness on this below file (I don't know remember if it's the authoritative one).  This was the header than @F.G. Kaal and I were using to turn his disk utilities into modules.  It had 99/4 support for lower case and the key scan in the boot code that the Final GROM can likely use.


We made this a long time ago - originally, it was the unspool code, then Tursi put all the 99/4 stuff in, and then we wound up with a very tightly, well written package that could copy any executable to 32K and cover the 99/4 and 99/4A very well.  Maybe someone can get this to the FinalGROM author to try?  Edit:  Just read through it - I don't see any key scan code - but I thought I had one that had some keyscan code.  I'll keep looking.  (I thought we had some cart header source that had some key scan differences, but maybe my memory is failing me.)  @Lee Stewart - you're a key scan guru - any ideas on why the above code in the 2nd Gitlab link isn't working on the 99/4?



       AORG >6000


GRMHDR BYTE >AA,1,1,0,0,0
       DATA PROG
       BYTE 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

       DATA CF2K
       BYTE 8
       TEXT 'CF2K 2.0'

* Copy Data for Modules *
* Format is:
* First, the address to load for the first source bank.
* Number of 32-bit words, source address, target address
* To end list, provide a start address greater than >8000
* (This means you can't start in the low RAM bank)
		DATA >076A,>6258,>A000,>076A,>6258,>BDA8
		DATA >076A,>6258,>DB50,>03BE,>7106,>2000
		DATA >A000

* CF2K Module *
CF2K	LWPI >8300
        LI R14,CF2KDT	 * address of copy table

* Common Code *
COPYLP	BL @GOGO * Set up Char Sets

		MOV *R14+,R7	 * get bank

ONEBLK	MOV *R14+,R4	 * Get bytes divided by 4
		JGT CONT		 * Branch if positive (less than >8000)
		B *R4			 * Else it's the jump address, so start the program

CONT	MOV *R14+,R9	 * Address to copy from
		MOV *R14+,R10	 * Address to copy to

		INCT R7			 * Next Bank


* Copy Routine *
* R4  - Bytes Div 4
* R7  - Bank switch address
* R9  - Address to copy from
* R10 - Address to copy to
* R11 - Return spot

    MOV R0,*R7   * Do the bank switch
    MOV *R9+,*R10+
    MOV *R9+,*R10+
    DEC R4
    B *R11         * We're done.

* Load lower case charsets *
* Note, if you still need space, you can remove support for the
* 99/4 by deleting the code marked between * +++ 99/4 support +++ begin/end
* blocks

 MOV R11,R9   * Save our return spot

* +++ 99/4 support begin +++

* load R3 with 6 for 99/4, or 7 for 99/4A
 BL @GETGPL   * read GROM >0000
 LI R3,7
 CI R0,>AA01  * 99/4 is AA01, all versions of 99/4A seem to be AA02 (even 2.2!)
 JNE IS4A     * note we also assume unknown is 99/4A just to be safe

* make a copy of the capitals for the 99/4 to 'support' lowercase
* this will be partially overwritten by the main set, but it works!

 LI R0,>0018  * GPL vector address
 LI R1,>4A00  * dest in VDP - must OR with >4000 for write
 LI R2,>0040  * how many chars
 BL @GPLVDP   * this function goes somewhere later in your ROM

* +++ 99/4 support end +++
* If you delete the above block, replace with
* LI R3,7
* so that the character size counter is still valid

* 'lowercase' letters
 LI R0,>004A  * GPL vector address (not available for 99/4)
 LI R1,>4B00  * dest in VDP - must OR with >4000 for write
 LI R2,>001F  * how many chars
 BL @GPLVDP   * this function goes somewhere later in your ROM

* main set
 LI R0,>0018  * GPL vector address
 LI R1,>4900  * dest in VDP - must OR with >4000 for write
 LI R2,>0040  * how many chars
 BL @GPLVDP   * this function goes somewhere later in your ROM
 B *R9        * RETURN TO CALLER

* GROM routines *

* Set GROM address
 MOVB R0,@>9C02
 MOVB R0,@>9C02
 B *R11

* Get a word from GPL
 MOVB @>9800,R0
 MOVB @>9800,R0
 B *R11

* Copy R2 characters from a GPL copy function vectored at
* R0 to VDP R1. GPL vector must be a B or BR and
* the first actual instruction must be a DEST with an
* immediate operand. Set R3 to 6 for 99/4 (6 byte characters)
* or 7 for a 99/4A (7 byte characters)
 MOV R11,R10    * save return address
 BL @GPLSET     * set GROM address
 BL @GETGPL     * Get branch instruction (not verified!)
 ANDI R0,>1FFF  * mask out instruction part
 AI R0,3        * skip instruction and destination
 BL @GPLSET     * set new GROM address
 BL @GETGPL     * get actual address of the table
 BL @GPLSET     * and set that GROM address - GROM is now ready!

 SWPB R1        * assume VDP is already prepared for write to save space
 MOVB R1,@>8C02
 MOVB R1,@>8C02 * VDP is now ready!

 MOVB R0,@>8C00 * pad the top of the char with a space
 MOV R3,R0      * then copy 7 (or 6) bytes

* +++ 99/4 support begin +++

 CI R3,6        * check for 99/4
 MOVB R0,@>8C00 * extra blank line for 99/4

* +++ 99/4 support end +++
* no changes needed if this block removed

 MOVB @>9800,@>8C00  * copy a byte (both sides autoincrement)

 DEC R2         * next character

 B *R10




I don’t have access to commented code for the 99/4 console ROM, so I can’t walk the code that matters. What I can say is that the likely culprit is in the following code:

       mov  r7, @more_items
       li   r0, >9e7e
       mov  r0, @>8372        ; restore stack pointers for SCAN
       li   r0, >05ff
       mov  r0, @keymode


Storing >05FF at >8374 tells KSCAN to use keyboard (KBD) #5. The >FF gets stored in >8375 to initialize it to “no key pressed”. On the 99/4A, KSCAN stores keyboard#–3 (if KBD# is 3[99/4 mode], 4[Pascal mode], or 5[Basic mode]) at >83C6 (2 in this case) and then zeroes >8374 (which tells KSCAN to check >83C6 for the default KBD#). Since the 99/4 does not know KBD#s other than 0[whole KBD], 1(left-side KBD), and 2(right-side KBD), there is no reason to zero >8374. And, it does not, to my knowledge, do anything with >83C6. By changing >8374 to 5, the above code has effectively disabled KSCAN on the 99/4. This is easy to verify in Classic99 (99/4 mode) by opening the debugger and setting >8374 to 5. From that point on, >8374 never changes and keypresses are ignored until the next software change of KBD# to 0, 1, or 2. FYI, you can also disable KSCAN (until KBD# is properly set to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) on the 99/4A by setting the KBD# higher than 5.


I would change the value stored at >8374 to >00FF.


If there is some concern that the keyboard number for a 99/4A has changed, then it could be rewritten to test for the 99/4A before putting 5 at >8374.



Edited by Lee Stewart
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7 hours ago, Lee Stewart said:


I don’t have access to commented code for the 99/4 console ROM, so I can’t walk the code that matters. What I can say is that the likely culprit is in the following code:

       mov  r7, @more_items
       li   r0, >9e7e
       mov  r0, @>8372        ; restore stack pointers for SCAN
       li   r0, >05ff
       mov  r0, @keymode


Storing >05FF at >8374 tells KSCAN to use keyboard #5. The >FF gets stored in >8375 to initialize it to “no key pressed”. On the 99/4A, KSCAN stores keyboard#–3 at >83C6 (2 in this case) and then zeroes >8374. Since the 99/4 does not know what a keyboard number is, it does not zero >8374 unless a joystick was activated and it does not change >83C6. By changing >8374 to 5, the above code has effectively disabled KSCAN on the 99/4. This is easy to verify in Classic99 (99/4 mode) by opening the debugger and setting >8374 to 5. From that point on, >8374 never changes and keypresses are ignored.


I would change the value stored at >8374 to >00FF.


If there is some concern that the keyboard number has changed, then it could be rewritten to test for the 99/4A before putting 5 at >8374.



Thanks, Lee!  I updated the Git issue and we will see if we can try it!


Edit:  I got your update and edited the Git issue and linked to your revision.  Thank you!


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On 7/3/2024 at 12:57 PM, arcadeshopper said:

@ralphb hey Ralph, Jon ( @acadiel ) asked me to ping you regarding this, he's made a note in your github regarding 99/4 compatibility with the keyscan routine

All patched - new thread here - I have it working.  

@ralphb - there were quite a few incompatibilities with the FinalGROM scripts and your cross assemblers, specifically looking for .asm files vs .a99 files, as well as some library pathing issues (I solved that by putting the "ti" directory in the xdt directory - and copied the libs over too.)  FWIW, I was on a Mac.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I am sorry to say that as I was caught up in the whole Microsoft outage thing.  I am stuck in San Francisco until Saturday night, which means that I will not have time to set up or run my exhibit, but I will be able to hang out with everybody and go check out things for once. So, I will see everybody Saturday evening.

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4 hours ago, HOME AUTOMATION said:

...The names change, but the issues ...remain.

CrowdStrike CEO is the same guy who was CTO at McAfee when a McAfee update bricked millions of Windows XP SP3 machines back in 2010.  Shitty habits roll downhill.




(The article, however, incorrectly states the problem was that a critical Windows file was "deleted."  In fact, McAfee detected svchost.exe as a malicious file and quarantined it. https://archive.is/seLwa )

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Alright... I am finally in ATL.  Avis did not have any cars, but I got one.  The Sheraton cancelled my room, but I got one.  Now, if I can just get my baggage, that will be a three-fer.


See everyone in the morning.

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2 hours ago, OLD CS1 said:

Alright... I am finally in ATL.  Avis did not have any cars, but I got one.  The Sheraton cancelled my room, but I got one.  Now, if I can just get my baggage, that will be a three-fer.


See everyone in the morning.

Would have loved to attend. Is the VCF SE the most popular one for TIers? I can plan on attending one of these events next year, but I'm not sure which one. And is it always in Atlanta?

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7 hours ago, Vorticon said:

Would have loved to attend. Is the VCF SE the most popular one for TIers? I can plan on attending one of these events next year, but I'm not sure which one. And is it always in Atlanta?

Dunno about most popular for the TI, but between Mark, John, and myself, we could easily take it over!


VCFSE is related to the Atlanta Historical Computing Society, so it is likely to be in Atlanta (or surrounding area,) probably at SFGE so long as they will have us. @acadielknows more about these relationships, I believe.

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2 hours ago, Tursi said:

I tried to look at flights a couple weeks ago, but the hotels were booked solid. How many people were at the show? 


I had to book a hotel about 10 miles from the event, took about 20-30 minutes of driving through Atlanta traffic to get there, but since it was not directly close to the event there were some rooms available on Wednesday night. cost me 177 per night plus taxes, fees, and incidentials for the two nights there. As for a total of people , I'll let the individuals who were there most of each day, weigh in.

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10 minutes ago, RickyDean said:

I had to book a hotel about 10 miles from the event, took about 20-30 minutes of driving through Atlanta traffic to get there, but since it was not directly close to the event there were some rooms available on Wednesday night. cost me 177 per night plus taxes, fees, and incidentials for the two nights there. As for a total of people , I'll let the individuals who were there most of each day, weigh in.

SFGE normally sells the hotels out by itself, but to give data about the three surrounding hotels that are booked for SFGE (the event that hosts us), the blocks that are reserved for us sell out within an hour or two of being posted the fall before next year's show.  Plus, we had I believe two games going on this year - one in Truist Park (right across the interstate) and another either at State Farm Arena (more likely) or Mercedes Benz Stadium (less likely).  Nearby hotels are all jam packed, and you have to go about ~25-30 minutes out to get a room typically.  I bought my hotel rooms at the host hotel right after the block got announced for $179/night (within the hour that they sold out last October I believe.) 


We really do need to get a counter installed at our door to count people, but traffic is very steady.  I have a mechanical 24V counter and a RadioShack IR sensor, but need something to pulse the relay faster than I can with just a circuit that's controlling the 24V PSU and the relay with the switch from the IR sensor.  I couldn't get it working in time for this year.


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Randy Kindig's Tandy let's out some magic smoke.




Some old guys.  (j/k - LOL!)  - Jon/Alan/Jim 



Jon / Steve Leininger (designer of the TRS-80)



Beautiful Altair 8800 (working!) exhibit



A bunch of consignment - this gentleman and his son even sold several TI-99/4A systems.




Steve Leininger answers more questions after his presentation.



David Kuder (The A2VGA Designer and also designing a NABU SD boot card) and Leo Binkowski (from the NABU Network in Canada) answer questions about the NABU.  Jon G and Leo.


These two had to be the most competitive BLASTO players I've ever seen.  WOW!  Been a while since I've seen someone enjoy playing it that much! :)



Some back and side views of the full TI-99/4 expansion train - this is the fully expanded system.  Speech, 32K, RS232, P-Code, thermal Printer, Disk, and Video Controller.  You needed quite the table!  A side note is nothing could go to the right of the video controller, as it was the connection for the VCR cables (EDGE card breakout.)




I took a picture of this at the sale expo for nothing other than pure interest - this was a Japanese Super Famicom (SNES) retail demo unit that let you play cartridges on a timed loop (like the NES ones here in the US did back in the day.)



@Ksarul's Dimension 4 prototype.  



Some more old guys posing for the camera behind the fully expanded /4 system.  (Jon/Jim)




Here you can see the P-Code booting up on the /4.  There's no "disable" switch.  It beeps several times, takes a minute or two, and you have to hit "H" for "Halt" to get to the title screen.




The TI-99/4 on the left is running the F/18A and is running the TI MegaDemo, which it ran like a champ the entire time.



Notice the shirts we had in front - if you zoom in, notice what we did with the front and back of them.  This was this year's theme shirt. :)  (And yes, we have some left, but they are only 4X and 5X.  We sold out of all the other sizes!!!)  My 1A2 phone exhibit (Seriss 1A2 system) hooked to the British PAX switch in the back of the room and a VoIP line accompanied the TI exhibit on what was left of the two tables, and was a smash hit as well.




Close ups of the P-Code and Video controller sidecars.




More views of the sidecars.





The British PAX switch setup at the back of the room and the in-room telephone network that was part of this year's show.  Yes, you could use a Captain Crunch whistle.




The rest of the phone exhibit. :)




A TI Advantage club T-shirt!  And Yes, someone was kind enough to leave a note for @OLD CS1



Various exhibits from around the room.  Including Weather Channel computers!  Yes, these are actual generations of systems used to display the messages.



Midrange Madness - including a beautiful IBM System/34 that kept overheating its 240V step-up transformer, sadly.  Beautiful systems!




More around the room. The college student in the last picture, Nolan, is the that designed this year's 99/4 T-shirt.




Our banner, and my exhibit prep (it's not that much, thank goodness... most of it was consignment.  I'm so thankful for my wife, @Ksarul, @OLD CS1, and others for all the help while I haven't been feeling well this past weekend.)



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Normality has returned for me.  My baggage came it around 11:45pm, I picked up my car around 2am, and I am heading home soon.  It could have been a lot worse -- many people are still suffering from the effects of Thursday.  A shout out to several people, some who will likely never see this:

  • Shannon DeWitt (SFGE) - Helping me secure my SFGE group room in the Sheraton in the first place.
  • Shatique, front desk agent at Sheraton Suites Galleria - Finding me a no-show room after my reservation had been cancelled while I was en-route, caused by an unfortunate miscommunication.
  • Susie, United Airlines baggage manager at ATL, and superhero - calling SFO to find out why none of the bags for ATL had been moved since Thursday night, and getting my baggage here ASAP.
  • Earl Baugh, AHCS/VCF-SE - Making sure I got my 99/4 45th Anniversary shirt, good humor over the whole situation, and a six pack of consolation when I got in.
  • @acadiel - keeping my exhibit in his garage this whole time and just being an all around froody dude, and Cara for the cookies!
  • @RickyDean - Trudging up to hang out.
  • @Ksarul - Trudging down to hang out, show off his Dimension 4, and possibly talking me into coming up to Chicago another year.  Look forward to seeing you next year, @iliketurtles !
  • David, Eli, and Mom - visiting again this year and hanging out for a bit.  Eli gave me a good reason to go check out the indy game area, and I was not disappointed.  David, remember to hit me up every once-in-a-while about the SX-64.

"We've been... CrowdStrike struck!"

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