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Sega Genesis Emu using Twilight?


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Can someone please point me in the right direction to add a Genesis emulator to my Nintendo DSi XL via twilight menu?


I need my PGA II and PGA European fix when I'm on the road for two weeks. :)




Keith 🕹️

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Come on somebody can help me with this I'm almost there I'm just doing something wrong. 


The first screen cap is when I see when I run Twilight.


Second screen cap is what I see when I select the jEnesis emulator. 


The third screen cap is what I see when I run that emulator straight from the main menu in four go selecting it from Twilight. 


And that's as far as it goes I can't see the ROMs anywhere. 






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I hesitate to jump in on a DS emulator I didn't write... I'm neck-deep trying to help others with the emulators under my care. But here is some general advice.


Two possibilities.


1. You can't just run the emulator directly but must launch the Genesis .rom file (rename to .gen) so that Twilight Menu can create a RAM disk for use and place the 'ROM.BIN' (what it renames your game ROM) which is capable of being run.  16-bit emulators on the DSi require all kinds of trickery to make "work".

2. I know you are currently running the Camera Exploit as your foot-in-the-door to run Homebrews. That's the easiest way to soft-mod your device for use but it's not as 'compatible' as running something like Unlaunch which replaces your stock firmware with custom firmware that lets Twilight Menu do more advanced things.


It's probably #1 but could easily be #2 also.


My advice - don't try #2... If #1 doesn't work (launching via the ROM file, not trying to launch the emulator directly), I would just assume it wasn't meant for you to use as the custom firmware route has a non-zero chance of bricking your system (I've only heard that it could happen... it's never happened to me on any of my DSi units but my advice is to NOT do it unless you can stand to have your machine bricked).






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This issue is what I'm figuring out too. I have the program on PC to make ram disks, but I don't know what file to put in the pop up window it makes. I threw the JenesisDS.nds in, saved, and when I loaded up the emulator, it locked up, but it got to the main screen. A way I seen to load it is tapping on a game. It needs to be .gen though. I'd use PicoDriveTWL, but no sound and I can't remap the buttons which makes SF and MK not ideal to play.

Edited by SiberianSpForces
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