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Death Derby update?


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I haven't updated the journal for a while.


I would have been farther along if I could force myself to do some coding in small bits and pieces late at night. I just haven't had the time to concentrate on it because all of my free time has been devoted to my daughter. The times I do work on it coincide with vacations or periods when my parents fly over to see my daughter.


It looks like I will have some time this weekend, though, if I can clear through some other more important errands.


Writing a 2600 game requires a great deal of concentration on my part. I need to get into enough of a groove to understand what I'm writing otherwise I need a lot of break-in time every time I sit back down to look at the code.


In the intervening time I've also really been hoping to see someone come out with a debugger for Stella or Z26, something better than the clunky one in PCAtari that I've been using.


PCAtari's debugger shows the code with different addresses vs. my source code, and without labels, which makes it a nightmare lining up its display with my DASM source listing, defeating most of the advantages of using a debugger as an aide.

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Cool. If I could make a humble suggestion to incorporate into the game:


Have two game play modes. In one mode, have a "free-for-all", in which it doesn't matter the color of the target hit, kind of like the movie.


In the other mode, have it like it played @PC4, if you hit the opponents target, they get the point.


Any chance of it having an AI for one player action?


I understand about the daughter situation. Between 2 girls both less than 4 years old, and work, and college, there is hardly any time for games. :sad:

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