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NEWBIE - What is the best way to open an Atari 400 with a stuck closed cartridge port lid?


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I recently received an Atari 400 with the original power adapter (CO 14319). The system was listed as "no power". I bought it for learning how to repair an Atari 8 bit computer since I have been repairing Commodore computers and peripherals.


I'd like to open the system up and check things out before powering it up, but the cartridge port lid is stuck closed. What is the best way to open the system safely (not breaking any parts) when this issue exists?


Any help is appreciated!


Thank you!




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Normally the lid is spring loaded but the spring can break.

Pull the release button forward, if the spring isn't working you should be able to just pry the lid up.

Another fault can be the shielding piece inside the lid loses adhesion but I doubt the stuff would liquify and leech down causing the lid to stick.

Maybe it suffered a liquid spill which could have caused something to stick.


If all else fails you might have to pull the outer shell apart - I think you can disassemble the machine without opening the cartridge door.

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2 hours ago, ClausB said:

But you can disassemble it upside down, get all the electronics out, and then wash the case parts to destickify the door.

Oops, forgot about the 2 power board screws, accessible from the top. Also the keyboard is a bit tricky to remove.


Well, if you're careful to dip the door area without getting the power board wet, that might work. Then thoroughly dry it all.

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