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Who writes in that ram address

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Hi. I am near to finish my new game. Testing it sometimes the audio has a problem. It happens rarely and when happens I can see the variable used for the audio with a wrong value. I dont know Who writes there that value. Therefore my question is... 

Can Stella help me to find the guilty instruction? 


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Only a possibility, but the stack (normally) starts at $FF and works downward, so maybe you have subroutine calls clobbering high ram variables.  As noted, Stella's debugger can catch it easily with a trap.

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If you are still stuck, one way to track it down would be to temporarily disable your normal writes to this variable, and then do a "trapwrite <varname>" when running your game. If something else writes to that address, then it will bring up the debugger when it happens so you can see what the culprit is.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Thanks to everyone. I fixed that problema but now I have 2 bugs are driving me crazy.

I go in debug console of Stella when I see the bug and using rewind command, I set the emulator just before it happens.

Going forward frame by frame... the game doesn't show the bug.

All is correct.




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6 hours ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

Assuming you have developer options enabled, I would guess unused bit randomization strikes. Probably you are doing an immediate LDA/X/Y without the # prefix. 

I am trying to find it. Thanks for the info.


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