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TI professional computer (not ti-99) for now

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2 hours ago, GDMike said:

Oh my.... And even the way you display a text is different I always use a quote mark in other Forth systems...

I got to go try this..

oK so this where Forth93 got wierd.


."  Dot quote is used inside a colon definition" 

But ."  only compiles text into a definition.  


To print in "immediate" mode you have to use the "talking comment"  .(   This will print at the console ).

Most people hated that and made ."  "state smart"  meaning  test the state variable and compile text if we are in compile mode or print text if we are in immediate (console) mode. 


Clear as mud? 


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Posted (edited)

I bet My AT word has something to do with using a monochrome or color monitor settings. 

I don't know I just can't understand other than that.

These 2 computers are using the so-called CGA mode but I don't think it's quite CGA but I do have eight colors, I just haven't figured out how to do that in forth either.

I haven't found any other versions of forth other than this f-83.


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I do have Borland's turbo Pascal..

But it's something I'd have to learn from scratch which looking at the documents yesterday almost looks like I'm writing web pages or something. 

But right off the bat they had an example of how to move the cursor to any position and how to make the characters flash and all that good stuff.. but I'm coming quite a ways with forth id hate to give it up... And I'm not ready to do that yet

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Posted (edited)

Not sure how I would key that in since I can't edit..

Unless the online program will allow me to save a file... Unless you build it and send it to me with a new kernel .


"Doing extraordinary things with ordinary things"

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@TheBF, can you take a look at the file, "clock.blk"

It defines the word "get-id"

What I've been doing so far. 

Boot the computer 

Set the current date and time 

Load f83 

Open file clock 

1 load


And answer the questions regarding date/time

(I'm using all numbers) , but I noticed when you do a for example one list on a file it's formatted with the ID as day number and month as in "APR"

Followed by year and "map".


So I'm not sure if I need to enter j u l for the month or not. 


On the file that I created called my file.blk, The ID on each screen is blank.

And that is regardless if clock.blk has been run or not previous to creating the myfile.blk,

In other words I don't get a timestamp on the screens of the new file. 

Each and every time doing a 1 edit ends up with an error and a lockup.

I also noticed the word swap during the definition of get-id..

So I'm not sure if I'm entering the ID backwards or not as in the first three letters first done or the date then the MAP letters 

Either way I've tried it both ways and  still get a lockup.

I was supposed to be presented by the word hello from what I gather on screen 5 of the clock.blk file if the ID is successful. 














Notice the word "who" and is maintained by (who)

With the abbreviation "MAP"

There's a word called "get-id"




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We might have different versions of the software I opened clock.blk  ran 1 load.

The 1 list block 4 and it looks like this:


So I ran SET-TIME.  I answered all the inputs but when I use DAY DATE TIME or NOW they don't print out the right things.

Might be because it's running under DOSBox here. 


Anyway list block 4 in clock.blk and see if you have set-time.


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2 minutes ago, TheBF said:

We might have different versions of the software I opened clock.blk  ran 1 load.

The 1 list block 4 and it looks like this:


So I ran SET-TIME.  I answered all the inputs but when I use DAY DATE TIME or NOW they don't print out the right things.

Might be because it's running under DOSBox here. 


Anyway list block 4 in clock.blk and see if you have set-time.


Mine looks just like that

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Yes you could but it would be painful. 

I would easier to type in a little line editor that uses single letter commands. 

I might have something here that I can tweak.


Can you try


16 EDIT and see what happens?

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Posted (edited)

I do have kernel.com and it's the basic forth ..

As a matter of fact it can't even give me a version number 

But it is running and Even the word "words" isn't defined..

Bye is defined though. 

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10 minutes ago, GDMike said:

I'm not seeing a basic.blk file 

But if it's like anything I've been doing any block file I try to edit ends up with err

OK so that's problem with the editor source code in the kernel you have.

That could be hard to find but at least I have a copy of the editor here that works. 


>> Did you say the AT command does not work? 





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4 minutes ago, GDMike said:

I do have kernel.com and it's the basic forth ..

As a matter of fact it can't even give me a version number 

But it is running and Even the word "words" isn't defined..

Bye is defined though. 

Sounds like you have just the bare bones kernel. 


open utility.blk 



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Just now, GDMike said:

When I do a one load it says a screen full of not unique and locks up

I have two kernels I have one that's bare bones and doesn't know the word load, or open..

And the other one is full blown and has about everything  already preloaded, including the editor including the assembler.

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1 minute ago, GDMike said:

When I do a one load it says a screen full of not unique and locks up

oK so that means your kernel already has those words. 


Something I am concerned about it that you have the IBM PC F83 and TI made there machine different than the IBM but I don't know in what way it is different.


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2 minutes ago, TheBF said:

Or your version was not correctly ported to the TI professional machine. ??


Is there a way that you can take the editor and pull out to get-id definition and save the file so I  can load it

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