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I don't usually post about personal collecting milestones, but when I received notofication that I'd won a Trick Shot picture label, I went to add it to my list when I noticed that it was my 600th different cart for the Atari 2600. :D


Thats awesome. I know me and you have traded, so at least 1 of them was mine at one time. :)

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You going to post any pictures of your collection soon for us to see?


  :?:  :?:  :wink:


Right now, my collection's all over my house in crates and containers. Taking pictures of my entire collection would be a futile effort. I'll eventually have a gameroom (sometime next summer), but in the mean time, here are two pictures of about 1/3 of my collection (the part of my collection that is actually organized) as you can see, everything is literally crammed in a corner at the moment (no space for them as of yet):



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Congrats ... 600 is, like ... a lot to the Nth degree, and more titles than were officially released in North America.


I'm still struggling towards the 200 unique mark.  I'm a little over 3/4 the way there so far...


Thanks. My 2600 collection of 600 includes label variations, repros, homebrews, and PAL only games. I'm still missing quite a few titles. I don't have nearly as many games as Rick Weis, Rolenta, Sly, CincYnoTi, or CPUWIZ.


I'm still missing the following original titles that have a rarity of less than 9:


Double Dunk

Glacier Patrol


Marine Wars

Mines of Minos

Ram It

Road Runner

Room of Doom


Motocross Racer

Shuttle Orbiter

Tomarc the Barbarian

Wall Ball

Diagnostic Cart


and quite a few 9s and 10s


not to mention plenty of pirate carts, yet more label variations, homebrews, hacks, Prototype Repros (I do not collect original prototypes), and Homevision carts and a number of other PAL exclusives. :D

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I just realized a few weeks ago that both Pele's Soccer and Championship Soccer were the same thing. I don't really collect label variations but I'm letting it slide for now. I prefer picture labels unless there's a text label counterpart that's worth more.

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