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Value of Donald Duck Speedboat NTSC 'Prototype' eprom


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I have a atari labeled eprom, never been mounted and clearly states 'promotional' on the bottom of the chip! these did come from a lady whose dad worked in an atari lab (confirmed) but she had no other info, just her dad brought them home. Its Donald Duck NTSC! I also have one just like it marked prototype that is Dukes of Hazzard (1st version) Also have Mrs pacman, yars reven, gremlins,, all proto chips,, all seem to be authentic atari chips with proper #'s for the time. Any help on this would be great,, exspecially on the Donald chip,, tnks

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Man if you have the Donald Duck complete and working on that chip, you might be sitting on some big time bucks and there are people like the ones at wwwAtari2600.com that could make complete games with boxes for it to sell, that would be great.


  :o  :o  :lust:


Why ? Donald was released in Brazil and quite a few people have NTSC protos of that game. :?

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i played the game as a kid at a show in new york hosted by a video game magazine. It was fun, and looked really good. I hope one day I can buy it from somewhere done up proper atari disney style like snow white was. real shame about snow white, it obviosuly had a lot of potentiall.

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Ok, sorry for the delay in getting these pics.

What I have here is several chips with 'prototype' clearly on the bottom. I

either have a batch of very rare chips or an assortment of bootlegs. I

figure one of two things.. these are actually real and were 'grabbed' by

someone who probably worked in the chip manufacturing lab? Or this was

someone in a lab who made copies using 'prototype' blanks (or a combination

of both). The one reason I think these could possibly be real is the fact

the games seem to mostly be on their corresponding companies chip! (Atari

games on Atari chips, activision on activision chips,, etc) I know Atari

made guides to decipher the numbers on the chips..anyone have one of these??

if so please let me know what you think. Also, the Dukes of Hazard chip, is

not marked proto on the bottom, but once again can someone verify the

numbers?? tnks;)


Here is Donald Ducks Speedboat


These two chips are identical, both say 'three little pigs' on top, these

are copies of 'Oink', I think three pigs was the temp name given during



This is a copy of Kangaroo


This one is Ghost Manner and could be on a Atari chip? Which could prove

these to definitely be bootlegs.. anyone able to track the numbers on top?


Here is Yars Revenge,, notice it says 'control' on the top


Here is a couple copies of Trick Shot! I really hope these are real for I've

heard that Imagic prototypes are very hard to come by..


This is Star Trek, appears to be an Atari chip?? not sure


Here is Mrs. Pac man


This is Buck Rogers,, but once again in this case it looks like an Atari

chip! Any verification on this?


Here is Jungle Hunt


Here is Centipede

 Ok,, that's it,, I will say what I've noticed

is the chips that I have multiple copies of all have the same #'s on the

back for that particular game, also, I noticed that the #'s always seem to

be proper for their release time, in other words, I haven't found a newer

game on a old numbered chip of vis-a-versa. Any input on this would be

great;) tnks

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I actually played the donald duck game today.. its only one 'heat' than ther is a split screne scenareo,, but it suddenly stops. It shows donalds three cousins walking in fron the left of the scren, they are all stacked on each other and pulling somthin,, not a wagon, two wheels? who knows. they get about 2 thirds across the screen then just stop. No screen run, changes colors after while but thats it. have to hit reset to go again,, deffinetly not a complete game.

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actually, I never have emulated;) Im a big hardward geek,, in compters too. Its funny, but I definetly spend more time just collecting than actually playing;) You have my curiosity now, Im tempted to emi just to see, how does the emi game go? does it automatically go to the next race? Does the split screen scenario do anything more than what I commented on earlyier with the ducks walking out a littl over half screen than just stopping?

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