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In Stella dev mode, if I use

asl CXM0P or asl CXM1P

the screen becomes a mess.

If I use


everything works fine.


Is there a reson for that?

Can I use asl or another instruction with these registers?



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17 minutes ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

But you do write them. ASL is a RMW (read, modify, write) operation. And since the TIA read and write registers share the same addresses, you are producing unwanted writes to TIA.

ok thanks

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Yeah, mirrored addressing plus TIA having Read-Only registers as well as Write-Only registers that share the same addresses at certain mirrors is confusing when you start coding for the 2600. 


The mirrored addressing is somewhat easy to understand since the same 128 bytes of RAM are used for both Zero Page RAM (anything with address $00xx) as well as the stack which is in Page 1 (anything with address $01xx). 


These topics might help with the mirrored addressing:


The memory map referenced in the first topic is no longer online, you can find it here via the Wayback Machine.

By default the VCS.H file sets the read-only registers and the write-only registers to both start at address 0 for your code:




Which means your code will use the same mirror addresses for these registers:

  • CXM0P (read-only) and VSYNC (write-only) are both at $0000
  • CXM1P (read-only) and VBLANK (write-only) are both at $0001
  • CXPPMM (read-only) and COLUP1 (write-only) are both at $0007

So doing an ASL CXM0P will read CXM0P but write to VYSNC and ASL CXM1P will read CXM1P and write to VBLANK, which both affect video output.


ASL CXPPMM will read CXPPM but write to COLUP1, so that modifies the color of PLAYER1 and MISSILE1. You might have been be updating COLUP1 later in the code, which would have hid the color change.

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On 7/14/2024 at 12:33 PM, Cisano said:

Can I use asl or another instruction with these registers?

Yes. There are some ranges that can be used because the write register is undefined.



ASL CXM1P | $30   ; Read CXM1P, Write Undefined



$0000 - $003F = TIA.......(write)......(read)
$0000 = TIA Address $00 - (VSYNC)......(CXM0P)
$0001 = TIA Address $01 - (VBLANK).....(CXM1P)
$0002 = TIA Address $02 - (WSYNC)......(CXP0FB)
$0003 = TIA Address $03 - (RSYNC)......(CXP1FB)
$0004 = TIA Address $04 - (NUSIZ0).....(CXM0FB)
$0005 = TIA Address $05 - (NUSIZ1).....(CXM1FB)
$0006 = TIA Address $06 - (COLUP0).....(CXBLPF)
$0007 = TIA Address $07 - (COLUP1).....(CXPPMM)
$0008 = TIA Address $08 - (COLUPF).....(INPT0)
$0009 = TIA Address $09 - (COLUBK).....(INPT1)
$000A = TIA Address $0A - (CTRLPF).....(INPT2)
$000B = TIA Address $0B - (REFP0)......(INPT3)
$000C = TIA Address $0C - (REFP1)......(INPT4)
$000D = TIA Address $0D - (PF0)........(INPT5)
$000E = TIA Address $0E - (PF1)........(UNDEFINED)
$000F = TIA Address $0F - (PF2)........(UNDEFINED)
$0010 = TIA Address $10 - (RESP0)......(CXM0P)
$0011 = TIA Address $11 - (RESP1)......(CXM1P)
$0012 = TIA Address $12 - (RESM0)......(CXP0FB)
$0013 = TIA Address $13 - (RESM1)......(CXP1FB)
$0014 = TIA Address $14 - (RESBL)......(CXM0FB)
$0015 = TIA Address $15 - (AUDC0)......(CXM1FB)
$0016 = TIA Address $16 - (AUDC1)......(CXBLPF)
$0017 = TIA Address $17 - (AUDF0)......(CXPPMM)
$0018 = TIA Address $18 - (AUDF1)......(INPT0)
$0019 = TIA Address $19 - (AUDV0)......(INPT1)
$001A = TIA Address $1A - (AUDV1)......(INPT2)
$001B = TIA Address $1B - (GRP0).......(INPT3)
$001C = TIA Address $1C - (GRP1).......(INPT4)
$001D = TIA Address $1D - (ENAM0)......(INPT5)
$001E = TIA Address $1E - (ENAM1)......(UNDEFINED)
$001F = TIA Address $1F - (ENABL)......(UNDEFINED)
$0020 = TIA Address $20 - (HMP0).......(CXM0P)
$0021 = TIA Address $21 - (HMP1).......(CXM1P)
$0022 = TIA Address $22 - (HMM0).......(CXP0FB)
$0023 = TIA Address $23 - (HMM1).......(CXP1FB)
$0024 = TIA Address $24 - (HMBL).......(CXM0FB)
$0025 = TIA Address $25 - (VDELP0).....(CXM1FB)
$0026 = TIA Address $26 - (VDELP1).....(CXBLPF)
$0027 = TIA Address $27 - (VDELBL).....(CXPPMM)
$0028 = TIA Address $28 - (RESMP0).....(INPT0)
$0029 = TIA Address $29 - (RESMP1).....(INPT1)
$002A = TIA Address $2A - (HMOVE)......(INPT2)
$002B = TIA Address $2B - (HMCLR)......(INPT3)
$002C = TIA Address $2C - (CXCLR)......(INPT4)
$002D = TIA Address $2D - (UNDEFINED)..(INPT5)
$002E = TIA Address $2E - (UNDEFINED)..(UNDEFINED)
$002F = TIA Address $2F - (UNDEFINED)..(UNDEFINED)
$0030 = TIA Address $30 - (UNDEFINED)..(CXM0P)
$0031 = TIA Address $31 - (UNDEFINED)..(CXM1P)
$0032 = TIA Address $32 - (UNDEFINED)..(CXP0FB)
$0033 = TIA Address $33 - (UNDEFINED)..(CXP1FB)
$0034 = TIA Address $34 - (UNDEFINED)..(CXM0FB)
$0035 = TIA Address $35 - (UNDEFINED)..(CXM1FB)
$0036 = TIA Address $36 - (UNDEFINED)..(CXBLPF)
$0037 = TIA Address $37 - (UNDEFINED)..(CXPPMM)
$0038 = TIA Address $38 - (UNDEFINED)..(INPT0)
$0039 = TIA Address $39 - (UNDEFINED)..(INPT1)
$003A = TIA Address $3A - (UNDEFINED)..(INPT2)
$003B = TIA Address $3B - (UNDEFINED)..(INPT3)
$003C = TIA Address $3C - (UNDEFINED)..(INPT4)
$003D = TIA Address $3D - (UNDEFINED)..(INPT5)
$003E = TIA Address $3E - (UNDEFINED)..(UNDEFINED)
$003F = TIA Address $3F - (UNDEFINED)..(UNDEFINED)


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46 minutes ago, glurk said:

Just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD.  LOL!!


I would just use BIT and not worry about unintended effects, FWIW.

Usually a carry flag lasts longer than a negative flag. Therefore I have been using ASL too (e.g. with INPT4). 

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22 hours ago, Omegamatrix said:

Yes. There are some ranges that can be used because the write register is undefined.



ASL CXM1P | $30   ; Read CXM1P, Write Undefined


That is cool!

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