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Adventures in Skyrim


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Been a while since I've seen anything on Skyrim in switch forum. Its understandable being a really old game.


I played a ton back when it come out, of course that was Xbox or PlayStation and it was an extremely broken game back then, even with updates. So far I've not run into any real issues with the switch version. Bonus props it has some of the expansion update stuff built in. I accidentally run into one visiting riften, and one of the people was like "you want to know about marriage?" Wha, wha, wha, nooo. Actually I didn't know anything about that so I tried it. Other than having an additional person at your house that you can trade items with, get money, or a food, there's not much to it. I suppose it could be a problem if you got no house, depending on who you marry, some have their own houses. I got an argonian person, luckily I did argonian this play through as the kajitt person I usually play as has no mates. Anyhow, sounds like she smokes a case of cigarettes a day, just how I like them. Lol.


Apparently you can adopt kids too. They're their own species I guess as they can't be hurt, which is good, as they wander around town, instead of staying in the house, so when hired killers or dragons show up they won't die. Found out my house is a bit small, as apparently kids want to adopt random animals and its getting crowded in here. Lol, ill have to look for other houses, I guess many people get white run first as its the first place you visit that you can reasonably buy to store your stuff.


I'd like to try homestead which the game has too, build your own house, but haven't figured yet how to buy a land or do that. I'm still looking, its probably attached to some of the cities where a house isn't available, but I don't know.


One of the first missions you intentionally get is to grow the big tree in whiterun. I've done that many times before, after you get the knife a guy wants to follow you to the sanctuary. This was the first time I got there when he was still alive (he's nekid, you can't equip him, unlike other followers, and he'll fight anything from a torchbug, which he might still lose against, up to a dragon he'll get breathed on and instantly die) anyhow, go poke the roots so the tree can be accessed and he runs up and comments on your violence. But, uh, I need sap to make the white run tree grow (though not sure why you need the tree, what, you couldn't tap a root?) You got a better idea? Guy preys to the tree and you can collect a tiny tree. Cool, I didn't know you had a choice, and it doesn't spawn a bunch of spriggens and kill everybody like tapping it does.


Anyhow, going through thieves guild missions at the moment. Maybe ill finish those before joining a new guild, at least the primary missions. Don't remember where the other versions of the game broke, but I'm already past that point. Hopefully that holds up. Anyhow, anybody else playing?

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I've been eyeing it up but have been paying attention to smaller games. My last save was with my Khajit character Chazelle in the town where a crazy man's sister drown.


I've been trying to emulate a monk with my character as she is based on the daughter of one of my D&D players's monk character (following in mom's footprints). It doesn't look like the game really does much for  hand to hand combat in regards to damage or abilities to up that damage.  I'm not used to focusing on a concept like this and sticking with it "role play", as it were.


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I take it back...I'm in some cold lands on my way to take care of the horn mission. I played some during lunch.


I stayed at the Nightgate Inn and now I'm in some stronghold that had some bandits that Lydia and I dispatched. I saved there when my lunch break was done. The bandits were easy....not sure what lies ahead.

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My character is argonian, the play style is kind of mage archer tank guy. Lots of enemies are fairly easy as long as you don't have to go toe to toe with them, but can wack you up close. Leveling the baddies is cool to keep the game from becoming to easy, but I miss the morrowind, and to a lesser extent, oblivion days of being able to become in effect godlike as long as your careful.


Man, my house was beginning to look like a serial killer lives there, with bodies piling up by the door. I finally got tired of all the people constantly hanging out in front of my house (npc's are gawkers lol) so I drug the bodies down to the stream close to the front gate. Heh, no more bodies, but I hope the next ES game brings back "remove body", oblivion took that out too, but I think removed bodies after a set in-game time (a week?)


Oh, Skyrim, or at least the switch or expansions, added resetting perks once you max them out. I reset sneak and now I suck at it, lol. I miss resetting the computers search by crouching, but its nice that you can now earn more perk points and potentially max everything out. Doubt that's possible, well practical, but nice to expand your perks across more trees.


I just finished a mission in marketh (sp?) Where you had to find an expedition then turn on the security system. Why? By the time I looted it out it was pretty much empty, and the guy gives you money for the job. Now I'm in a tower with a hagraven that asked me to let them out to help take back the tower. Must have missed that on a previous playthrough, but pretty cool.

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Heh, finally got back to it. Started where I left off at blind cliff tower. Melka is in a cage saying something about Petra stole her tower and if you set her free to get her revenge, she'd give you something. Yeah, a punch to the head until your dead, lol. Ok, never did that before, so I pull the chain to unlock the cage and she squirts out and runs around the corner. I just hear, "there you are" mangle, mangle, twist, twist. Hey wait, save some for me, I go in the next room and everybody is already dead, wow, that was fast. Melka was waiting by a door saying to push the center button. Um, ok, the door opens and she runs off, I just hear "what the?!" Slam stomp, murder, murder. I make it to the next room and there's two hagravens fighting. Oh god, one off I could probably win, but two? Eff that. One is marked petra, so I attack that one. Don't know if melka or I got the last shot, but took it out. Well, I was sure surprised. She gave me a named fire staff,  eye of melka, or some such. But she doesn't attack you. I ask what she's going to do now and she says "make pretty poison potions and collect shiny eyeballs" um...ok, ima let you deal with that. Hey, it didn't attack me, so the tower is clear now and I've looted everything, so that's cool. I seem to recall some other beasts allowing them to be a follower if you help them, but not this one. Could have been cool to see reactions from people if you rolled into town with a hagraven follower.


Anyhow, returned to markarth, first time I was there some guy murdered somebody ranting about for sworn or something. A guy gave me a letter saying to meet him at talos, so I did. He said he was looking for for sworn infiltrators or something, and gave a list of names. I track those all down and return to the temple, only to get mugged by guards. What the? Woo, I'm going to jail! Talk to madanach and everybody else. Apparently my speech is high enough (mid 80's) I can skip most the work. Madanach asks me to kill a guy and we can escape. Uh, don't know where this tunnel leads, but I remember these guys killing everybody in site when you escape, so I wait till 8pm and mine all the ores before escaping. They give you a set of "armor of the gods" for sworn armor and split. Other than killing all the guards between the tunnel and gate, I don't think anybody else got hurt, so I loot all the bodies and head home. Markarth actually deletes the bodies when you leave and return, so that's good.


I had enough money I went ahead and bought vindrel hall. Its much bigger than breezy home in whiterun, so we can move around without stepping on the wife, kids, their dogs, and other dogs. I'll convert white runs bedroom to an alchemy room again and use it as my base of operations, it'll be nice to mix my ingredients again, I bet I've got a pretty sizable pile of ingredients as its been a while since I had a station to make potions at. Anyhow, still got one or two people to help in markarth to become thane (?) And there's a nearby orc stronghold I may check out next. I found it while traveling and unlike previous ones, nobody said not to enter, maybe its abandoned?

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My previous play-through managed to get the glitches needed for being both vampire and werewolf to work.  Much harder on the console.


Before that tried directly bee-lining to the Dragonborn DLC and playing strictly at level 1 on Solstheim.


Currently attempting a run as a Khajiit that can't enter holds because of a high wanted level.  But, got bored and haven't messed with it.

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Well unless your wanted is to high, getting arrested will clear your wanted level for that hold (if its to high, guards just try to kill you, don't know if that's permenant or if it "cools off" with time.


I'm in the thieves guild doing the mission of get mercer, after finding he's stolen all the thieves guilds goodies. I think karliah is dead or stuck somewhere, they've not been following me for a while. And all the fallmer are super high level, so its taking a while to get through this one. Brinjorf appears to have run out of potions or however he heals, so he's next to a knockout constantly (though does appear unkillable) when I get breathing room I heal him but its still slow going. I miss my heavy armor (they pick up nightingale armor before starting, and my light armor skill is lacking. While I like having help, the lack of returning home to dump loot means I'm leaving a lot behind. Oh well, if the dungeon doesn't reset I can loot it later.


I got everybody moved to markarth, and reset the kids room to alchemy again. I got my chest of ingredients and gained like 30 alchemy levels. Awesome! No most tho potions were just garbage "poison something or other" potions, but I've been selling them to the local apothecary and general shops. Despite not being all that good (and not for me) many are hundreds of coin each, so its going to take a while to get rid of them all. Ill probably sell the last in time to make another batch, which might max my alchemy skill. I need to see what perks it can unlock. At least the alchemy shop can buy a bit more, as I buy all their ingredients so they can buy more potions


I do the same at the weapons store (warmaidens?) And found out the guy at the counter, and the woman outside making weapons are counted as two separate stores. So I still often buy all their materials when selling my armor/weapons, after upgrading everything of course. I've got two smithing perks to go, dragon armor, and dedric. I'm one level away from unlocking dedric armor, and 21 for dragon. I don't think ill reset armorer, as long as it takes to get high level, and you need to many of its perks to make, or even upgrade armor, and loot is leveled, so while I still get plenty of weaker leather and iron stuff, I more consistently get exotic higher level stuff now.


I need to work on my light armor skill. I'm still ok at attacks, but can literally get killed in one or two hits. Of course after killing Mercer, I assume I can ditch the nightingale armor in favor of my heavy stuff, which I'm leveled enough to buy the weightless perk once I get a few more points. Think I'm one or two experience away, but ill be maxed once I get the park points.

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*random bulls#!7 story mode*

So there I am, hiking back to town towing a huge sack of loot, got a few thousand money, gems and ores, lots of awesome gear and...

Bandit "Reach for the sky bi*ch"

Oh, hello, can you be helped?

Bandit "Give me all your money, or else"

Uh, ok. Here you go (drops sack on the badguy)

Bandit "skeleton insufficient for the load...ribcage collapsing........can't breathe"

You ok? Uh..dude? Oh, must be tired after a hard day of work.

Anyhow, so I'm Hiking my way through the woods looking for more caves and such. I donated all my stuff to some poor needy fellow, so I've got no real need to head back to town, lets loot it up!

=meanwhile at a nearby guard tower=

Guard one "hey, I found another sack of loot with a pool of blood squirting out from under it"

Guard two "yeah, that happens a lot around here, so what did you get?"

Guard one " awesome, I got some boots, I've got the whole set now!"

Guard two "dude, that dragon armor looks totally sick!"

*end of load*


Anyhow, started exploring solsthien (morrowind) much harder enemies in this area. Lot of new plants and animals here now too. Just got finished with the reiking miniquest, so now I can have those follow me, not that I would, their fairly weak, but interesting, even with a follower, you can still get one, I guess their counted as pets, even though you can give them weapons to help.


I've just arrived at miraaks base, but I may go back to town and finish a few more missions first, as I've got some basically complete, with the final "return to..." Part of the mission left. Miraak may abduct me to oblivion and I don't know how long ill get stuck there.

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*random bulls#!7 story mode*

I'm home you guys, new place in riften got a bit more room than breezyhome.

Lucia Alisea- Papa, your home

What it be kids, Lucia, what you learned?

Lucia- check this out (dumps sack of random loot)

Cool, got some weapons, armor, uh, is that riften guard stuff?

Lucian what can I say, I'm a pro.

And how about you, uh, human, male, child, thing?

@lisea- wow, you still don't know my name?

What, I come across tons of people (that I usually kill, but I won't tell you that) after the first dozen or so I don't bother.

Alisea- do you even know moms name?

Sure, that's sugar tits.

Alisea- eew, anyhow, I got some iron pants (chunks that on table)

Oh, ok (this boys getting a job with a nametag on his shirt)

Lucian can we have some money?

Sure kids, here's a few thousand, go buy some video games.

Kids- a what?

I mean, get a horse or something

Kids thanks, bye.

Heh, darn kids. Iron pants huh? Oh, this is a chastity belt. Wait a minute, this is my chastity belt. I was wearing that when I came home. Oh no, he's good.

=meanwhile at the guard shack=

Guard one- hey, can you help me?

Guard two- what's up? Where's your clothes?

Guard one- I don't know, I had them when I went on duty.

Guard two-day yeah, that's been going on a lot lately.

*end of load*


Ok, so I showed up in riften, looking to see what I can steal, and if I can pry it up, its not bolted down :D anyhow, there's an orphanage, I seen to recall it in an earlier playthrough, but its not enterable, but this time it is, kids I guess. You go in and there's a woman ranting at the kids, and won't adopt them, but the kids mention one kid performing the black sacrement, so go to solitude to find him, yep. So he asks me to kill misses fail me at the orphanage, so I did (what, don't pass up an opportunity to randomly kill people, especially this one who seems deserving) Anyways, yeah, after getting abducted I've ended up as part of the dark brotherhood (assassins guild) I didn't do this on previous plays. I thought I'd run into the first broken thing in the switch version of the game, when your asked to spy on Cicero. You lock yourself in the night mothers coffin, ooh, kinky, and...nothing happens. Apparently you just have to wait, before Cicero shows up and rants about being a listener, before you bust him.


I've left off there, but nigh mother said to go to volumund (sp?) But Astrid, the "boss" person wants me elsewhere. Despite the game quest thing directing me to astrids quest, I'm half tempted to follow night mothers order to volumund, I've been there before so its on my map already, just to see what happens. Either its its own unmarked quest, or maybe you eventually do it after doing asteroids quest. Well, ill find out.

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*random bulls#!7 story mode*

Walks into rotten orphanage

Cool, never been in here befo.....

Gerald "alright kids, shut the f#$% up"

Kids " yes miss Gerald "

Gerald "nobody wants you, your never getting adopted, your going to be here forever, bwahahaha"

Kids "yes miss Gerald"

Gerald" alright, now get the f#$%out of my site"

Kids "yes miss gerald"


Kid one" man Gerald is such a b*tch "

Wow, should you be saying b*tch like that? This game is rated E for elder scrolls.

Kid two " no its not, its rated M, for murder that b*tch"

Uh, (looks at box) oh, thought it was rated T, for tagging my wife, actually.

Kids "eew"

What? You'll know when you get older, but I stand corrected, "murder that b*tch" it is, so what quest do I do, or do I just walk in and start shankin?

Kid three "well evictious is doing some black sack'o'shit or something, talk to him.

Ok, where's he?

Kid four " his in solitude"

What?! His in jail? Man Gerald really is a b*tch.

Kid one "not jail dumbass, the city"

Kid two "yeah, its north of here, along the coast"

Ok, well I'll go talk to him...

Kid three "she makes us sleep in the closet too"

But the beds?

Kid three, "that's just for show"

Kid four "plus she doesn't feed us"

Well that blows, hold on a minute, you gotta feed kids.

(Dumps sack on table)

Oops, forgot I hit home and am low on goodies, here, eat this.

Kid one "eew, whys it wiggly and glowing?"

Its nernroot,  its bitter, but its a plant, so I assume its good for you, use this sugar.

Kid two "why is it purple?"

Its moon sugar, it has sugar in the name, so it'll be fine.

Kid three "this soda pop is amazing"

That's skooma, and save some for everybody else, you'll need it to wash that bitter sticky stuff down.

Kid four "thanks mister"

No prob, now I got to go see Heimlich about a stabbing.


=local guard shack=

Guard one "did you hear the jail is full?

Guard two" really? Business is good, amiright?

Guard one "its all kids from the orphanage"

Guard two "cool, but wait, aren't their only four of them? How are all twelve cells full?

Guard one " court wizard says their 'phasing' and it takes two or three cells to hold one. "

Guard two" man, that Gerald is the coolest mom ever, letting her kids get drunk and high like that"

*end of load*


Well, ran into an interesting glitch/perk/oversight. Apparently if you get the max perk for heavy armor, which makes heavy armor weightless, as long as you have a complete set, any same armor bits you are carrying are also weightless. Cool, found this out while flossing through a dungeon. Hit my weight, and dropped a few pieces of the heaviest stuff I had (carved Nordic armor) and, nothing. What? Did I do something wrong? Picked it up, no change to weight. Dropped a different piece, weight change. Cool, so if you got this perk, you can possibly skirt weight limits, by changing your armor to the most abundant type. Yep, apparently all same named pieces also become weightless. Probably works on light armor too, but I'm a way from testing that.


Finally joined the companion, fighters guild, got far enough in to do the werewolf thing, cool. You goto the under forge and the guy and a werewolf is in there "you ready for this?" I walk up, and talk lights up on the werewolf. Wait, werewolves can talk? I gotta see this. Well, just sounds like s normal person, bummer, I was hoping she'd growl and gurgle or whatever, but oh well. Ok, ready. Guy takes the werewolf arm, sounds like he just chops it off or something, and a bowl fills up, drink this. Um, ok. I wake up outside, woohoo, I'm a wolf, later losers! Run around a bit. Where the #$%& is everybody? I'm sure its to keep you from killing everyone in town, but still. Then I see one, oh yeah, I'm going to get that guy, then wake up back in the under forge. Wow, you took that really hard. But, but, I was going to go murder the f#$% out of, I mean, be a respectable gentleman to that guy, you a$$holes.


Anyhow, lot of fun, that one. First time I wacked someone a feed option pops up, since your, well, everything is broken, this is how you heal. I eat the person, and it says 'consumed human heart' this extends hour werewolf time, and heals you, and, it has its own perkpoint system. I got the gorge and feeding stuff, more time and you can eat more stuff. Anyhow, some of the dungeons have enough people, you could potentially be a werewolf for days. I was thinking fast travel, but uh, that doesn't work either. Anyhow, one of these days ill go outside to a dragon attack, do dragons have hearts? Can I soul suck one as a werewolf? I just assume I'd straight up die, but anyhow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Woohoo!! Finally got one. Talk to jarl in falkerth (sp?) And you can unlock one of the homestead plots. Lakeview manor. I've read its the nicest plots in the game, and one of the few, or only houses in the game that the family doesn't say anything bad about. Well, not right now, I've just got the basic house set up (partially, ran out of nails and had to go make some)


Went and visited a friend last weekend, he asked what I was playing. "Let me guess, Minecraft, that's all you ever play" heh, nope. Playing Skyrim atm. We played a while, and he asked if he could borrow that. Um, hell no (not that I don't trust him, just that I'm addicted at the moment lol) but wait, you really want to play, let's go to Wal-Mart, its like two blocks from his house, lucky stiff. Anyhow, found a copy and just bought him one. Went back to his place and he set up. Got him an argonian dude too, other than the white hair, looks almost exactly like my guy. Get through the setup and it pops up a message "want to play realistic?" Involves sleep and requires eating. I suggested no, but he set that up, think you can turn it off in settings if you don't like it, ill find out later how he hangs with eating and sleeping. MY dude never eats, that's just sell fodder, and I imagine my eye bags probably drag the ground lol :)


Anyhow, fought his way out of helgen, went through a couple of caves, and I helped money manage so he could buy breezy home before I left. There's extra goodies in this game my copy doesn't (as far as I'm aware) have. He randomly found something called madness ore, A greyish brown rock with pulsing gold veins on it. A bliss bug in a jar (light source maybe, or quest item) and a giant spider that acts like a pet/follower. I may have to pick up a new copy of Skyrim and see what new stuff it has.


One downside, don't know if its the game, or the oled switch, but in the few hours he played, the game crashed like 3 times. Mine has been played for nearly 400 hours and only crashed three times. I may have updated way back, but not in years, so maybe mine did too initially? Anyhow, just told him when he is done playing, see about downloading its updates and patches, see if that works.


Anyways, mine is the original version, his is anniversary, and I'm playing on my old 17 switch, may be about time to retire her, the battery life is starting to really suck. If I get a new anniversary Skyrim, ill start up on my newer oled switch.

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