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Harmony Cart Dev mode compatibility

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I'd like to get a thread going where we can compare experiences using the Harmony Cart in Dev mode (single rom mode) and results on the 2600+


Omega Race - I had a bitch of a time getting this to run. Seemed like a Dumper issue, but then I downgraded to .02 and then re-upgraded to .03 and its working fine now.


Pitfall II - still doesn't work for me from Harmony. Works fine from real cart, so no worries, but just reporting. Not sure if anyone else has it working from Harmony?


Everything else I tried worked as expected.

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I’ve attached a screenshot of a spreadsheet I’d started up some time back, but eventually gave up on. A few caveats and notes:

  • Technically, I’m using a Concerto, rather than Harmony, but it’s the Harmony software.
  • Yellow indicates I needed to try a different bankswitching set than the one identified by default. Green was as the software suggested at first.
  • I put a caveat on my assessment of Activision Decathlon, because I didn’t score anything at all in most running events, and found the whole experience so miserable that I’ll likely never play the game again. But that’s likely more to say about my disdain for “sports” games and trying to figure out gameplay without a manual.
  • I finally got DrVsDalek to work, but clearly didn’t update the sheet properly, so take that one with a grain of salt. This one’s available with lots of different names, so perhaps I just lost track after I’d stopped maintaining the sheet.
  • I used an Elevator Action ROM that was modified for the Atari Flashback (2016), available elsewhere on these forums. While it’s basically playable, the player sometimes hovers in the air when the elevator is just above or below the floor.
  • I couldn’t tell any difference between fixed windows and broken ones in Fix-It-Felix, but don’t know if the game is just like that or not.


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