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Complete List of TRS-80 I/II/III/IV peripherals

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Are you interested in third-party hardware or just things sold by Tandy/Radio Shack?


TRS-80 Microcomputer News would provide the best coverage of official accessories for all systems.


Alternatively, there is 80 Micro magazine (though I do not know if that also covered the Model II/12/16 systems).


There was also Rainbow and Hot Coco for the Color Computer.


Some (many?) of the advertisements in these magazines showed vapourware, so I would focus on reviews where someone actually used the accessory.   

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As @jhd said, it's not clear if you mean only Tandy/Radio Shack branded and -sold accessories.


If so, then Ira Goldklang's website probably comes closest, and even there, with the sole exception of printers, you have to visit the Model I, III, and 4 pages separately, and scroll down to see the hardware accessories for each one, with the page also being filled up with information about official software etc.


Model I

Model III

Model 4


Roy Hoff seems to have a complete list of TRS-80 items, complete with catalog numbers, but that includes stuff for computers you may not care about like the Color Computer, Micro Color Computer, Pocket Computers, Model 100/200/102, etc. 


If you don't just mean the Tandy/Radio Shack brand stuff then theoretically the Tandy Wiki would be a good place to start, but it's still in its infancy.  If you can get an account there and actually get it officially registered and get going, your luck is better than mine.


Matthew Reed's site is a good resource, but it's not a single, easy-to-scroll list.

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