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Real or fake GBA games?

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R&B&E -- very easy to see it in your image given the quality.  The rear lacks the 4 gold rectangles on the far left (or higher left) side of the PCB.  Also Nintendo didn't put via holes in a line through the pins either that touch the GBA.  You can't make that out in the other 2 R&G from your shot.

But, that said, zooming the image in opening it to another window all 5 stickers are utterly fake.  The font is dead wrong on the product code, the sticker coloring and type is off, other little nuances suck too.


If you paid more than $20 tops a piece on these, given what it costs to ship from aliexpress (or ali+an overy kind ebay middleman) you paid too much.

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I was going to say fake, just the quality of the labels is a giveaway. Most Pokemon carts have glitter in the official runs cart shells (outside original red/blue/yellow, which don't.


You can buy that current group of carts on Amazon now, they work fine if you just want to play, just these copies don't command near the price of the originals.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For sure, Sapphire is fake. You can tell because There is vias on the traces which connect to the connector of the GBA.


You need to have clear and Sharp labels. Nintendo use high quality printer.


There's always a number stamp on the label.


Also, if you know electronics, you will see it right away with the PCBA.

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