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How do I clean a board?


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When I opened up my other trak-ball, there was grime and lint all inside it (oh, and a dead roach). I removed the board from the plastic and cleaned all of the plastic with soap and water . What can I use to clean the board as just air isn't getting this stuff off!




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I always just cleaned boards with water. Take it outside, hose it down, shake it to remove excess water, then dry with a hair dryer, or let it air dry. I've cleaned a couple board this way, but not Atari related. Mostly XT clone motherboards, Apple II motherboards, and related computer boards. I know some people that just run them through a dishwasher. Water doesn't hurt computer parts, provided that the water and the power are never in the device at the same time <grin>. You want to make sure they are REALLY dry before powering them up, and make sure to blow out any water from under chips, connectors, etc. I know this probably isn't the _best_ method, but it works for me.


Ian Primus


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I always just cleaned boards with water. Take it outside, hose it down, shake it to remove excess water, then dry with a hair dryer, or let it air dry.


I wouldn't recommend cleaning electronics with water. Water contains a lot of impurities that will be left behind when it evaporates. As other people have mentioned Alchohol and Tuner Cleaner work well.



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