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ebay find.


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So I just got a box of stuff that I had won on ebay. Around 24 2600 carts.. Some of the carts are actually collecovision games (pitstop, and defender), and 6 of the games are pal carts. missile command, ms. pac-man, e.t., yars revenge, dig dug, and centipede. They've all got the little 'p' on the end label. Seller was in Texas, so I didn't expect this at all. I haven't had a chance to test anything yet, but still kind of cool.

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Have fun with that!

Reminds me of a box I ordered a few weeks ago, when I first got the 2600 working...I went online and saw a good 2600 package with 3 minutes left. Got in a bidding war with three others, and ended up with 34 games (I believe) for $13.52. All Rarities 1-3's, but that's fine with me. Still got some fun ones. Plus, they all worked!

So, have fun playing your games!

Long live eBay! :D



Chase Hermsen

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