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Atari 2600 Motherboard Schematics / Atari 2600 Field Service Manual - 2024 Edition


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I've rebuilt the 2600/2600A Motherboard schematics, as well as the last known revision of the Atari 2600 Field Service Manual, in an attempt to modernize them and relegate the poor copies on the internet to archives.

I'll take a stab at publishing through Lulu.com with the 600dpi originals (more to come), and I'm meeting with a local print house to see about some posters for the schematics.  Printify wanted $8 each for 18"x24", but I'm hoping to get a better deal locally- since I know shipping will be evil.

Atari 2600 Field Service Manual 2024 (USA).pdf Atari 2600 Motherboard Schematic.tif Atari 2600A Motherboard Schematic - Rev 1-13.tif Atari 2600A Motherboard Schematic - Rev 14-15.tif Atari 2600A Motherboard Schematic - Rev 16 and up.tif

Edited by Kirkland
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4 hours ago, abaudrand said:

Ill wait your link at lulu to order it. Your time spent on this need a reward.

Agreed! And having a hard copy is always another needed tool in addition to digital.


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