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GI Joe is there!


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Just got done playing a bit of GI Joe for the 2600 for the first time... VERY cool! I normally don't like movie/TV tie-ins and the game looked a bit goofy from screenshots (heh! It's pretty hard to tell how good a 2600 game is from screenshots!). Anyway, I had a blast once I figured out the basic control scheme... Don't hear this one talked about too much so I'm wondering if it gets boring or easy after a while or maybe is just a slightly underappreciated title (I'm hoping the latter). Anyway, I don't own my own copy yet, but I'm now on the lookout (see Marketplace :)


I'm starting to like Parker Bros. more and more for the 2600 (though not nearly as much as Activision and Imagic, but they are gaining ground!).

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G.I. Joe was one of those games that really disappointed me. The cover on the game was so cool, and I liked the cartoon very much, but really the game has nothing to do with GI Joe. Just a bunch of guys running from a giant Snake. There are no characters, no bullets, no Cobra army, nothing.


But, theme aside, the game is actually pretty fun, and I did play it often just not what I expected it to be.

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I think its a great game. Never gets boring, because it just gets harder.


Funny thing is, when I first started playing it I thought it was pretty easy and got very far and high high scores. Now I can't get past the 7th snake! What happened! I've only had this game 6 months! :D :D :D :D :D

Great game. Not terribly GI JOE-ish, but lots of fun!

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NOTE: *ducking* *hiding* BEFORE posting....


GI Joe on the 2600 is fine as just 'another game'. Shouldn't have been called GI Joe though. Poor representaion of the cartoon of what the game should've entailed. Want a real and better classic GI Joe game see the C64:





NOTE: I am *still* ducking and hiding. Flames can't hit me!!!


Lover of the 2600...honest! But facts are the facts. C64 GI Joe is one of the *best* games for that system. Simply incredible for its time. The 2600 game shouldn't even be called GI Joe.

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When this game originally came out, didn't Parker Bros. have a contest associated with it? It seems if you beat the game or hit some high level, you got a Cobra baseball hat. I vaguely recall the comic book ad for this.


This was a game I always wanted "back in the day" but never got. I've of course picked it up since then and it isn't too bad.

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