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Does this paddle game exist for the VCS? 360 degree orbital Galaga, crossed with Break Out.


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On my Iphone 5 I installed a game that had Galaga in the name only to learn it had nothing to do with Galaga. I think It was called Galaga Defenders, but I cannot get my iPhone 5 to take a charge, and Apple just did something that causes my Iphone 4 to crash if I open a folder or app, so I can't get screenshots. The game was created by what I think was a one man team who made tons of old school shovel ware type titles some of which looked interesting. I'm not criticizing the quality, just indicating the type/styling/genre, as they remind me of space fillers on shareware floppies.


Anyway, this game had terrible touch screen controls, at least on my device, but seemed like it would have been a lot of fun with a paddle. The game had you controlling a star fighter in orbit of a planet, kind of like how you orbit a corner in Warlords on the 2600, but instead of 90 degrees, you get the full circle of a planet. Aliens come down, I think more like Galaga than space invaders, I think. At the same time your ship is trying to bounce a ball to destroy bricks, and the aliens. I don't think there was a limit to the number of balls per level, as I think if they don't hit a brick or space ship, they fly endlessly into the void of space. I think the goal was to destroy the bricks and achieve a minimum number of kills. As long as the ship isn't destroyed, the aliens keep coming. You had your star ship lasers, but also a ball, and both can destroy all destructibles. 


Something like this with decent graphics(32bit), and the upgrades that are commonplace for modern Schmups and Break Out type games, and a paddle controller, seems like it would be awesome. 

It would probably be even cooler if we had a paddle that could move up and down for elevation, like the 6DOF hockey pucks such as the Logitech Cyberman 2, designed for the space shuttle. 


PS: Is there a word for a group of specific genres, that fit into a larger more general genre that is still not as broad as categories such as Videogame, or Movie?


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Well, my iphone 4 fixed itself, and it's battery that I had thought needed a replacement years ago, but now screenshots don't save to pictures. I wish Apple would stop screwing with these ancient devices. Half the time that all accounts on these devices get reset, they begin to misbehave for another few months till another automatic account reset that seems to fix the problems. 


Anyway, it turns out that first post is a bit of crazy talk, Crazy Good! My memory was combining two separate games that don't play well on that device. In fact, one of them clips the top portion of the screen so the ball goes in and out of frame. I still think that thing I described would be awesome with a paddle, but if you'd like to see some official screenshots of the two games that existed on my old phone, instead of that epic mash up my clouded memory dreamed up, here they are. 


One was called Galaga Guardian by GVN studio. The other was called Rebound Invaders 2 by Galactic Droids. The Second one is basically BreakOut with animated sprites that shoot back, and you cannot be hit by your own ball. 

galaga gaurdian.webpapps.pngunnamed (1).webp


Edited by Jimbo57
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