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Sinistar - BEWARE OF ME!!! :)


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Thanks to CPUWIZ, I've been playing Sinistar on a real 2600 for the first time - and for the first time I destroyed that b*st*rd!!!! (Sinistar, not CPUWIZ ;)) I know there has been some debate as to whether Sinistar can be destroyed, but rest assured he CAN be destroyed!! First off, you must let him get completely built up and chasing you (before he's built you can always go chop him down a bit to get points, even eliminate him altogether, but he'll continue to build up until you let him start chasing you. You can only "destroy" him after he's chasing you).


Once he's chasing you (which is pretty scary if you ask me!!), you then must avoid him at all costs and try to get in some "pop" shots with your Sinabombs. Here's the part I didn't realize: no matter how many times you hit him, he never "degenerates" visually after he's chasing you (you don't see him being "chopped" down). The secret is the number to the right of the # of Sinibombs. This normally displays the # of ships remaining, but when you're attacking Sinistar in chase mode, after each hit this number displays the # of hits remaining until you destroy him (I think it's also displayed after you get destroyed). This number I believe starts at 18. Be aware that this number will rise (Sinistar repairs himself) if you take too long to destroy him. Once he's destroyed, you'll be greeted with a fantastic end-of-level sequence, complete with a full musical score!!! Your ship is then automatically transported to the next level where you do it all again, except it's a little more difficult.


Anyway, I thought I'd post my findings to what I believe to be one of the best games and certainly one of the best arcade translations available for the 2600. BTW - my personal best is 82,065 but I plan on breaking 100K tonight... :)


Also - does anybody know what the purpose of the RED ships are in the game (they seem to just swarm around you). I know the BLUE ships will fire at you and kill you, but I can't see any purpose for the RED ships except to get in your way (which they do quite well).


Thanks for listening!! ;)

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One of the funniest things I've ever seen was in an arcade about...10 years ago. I myself had just finished a nice little session of Sinistar when a woman and her quite little boy walk in. She hands him some quarters and he excitedly pops it in the first one near the door, which was Sinistar. I was playing some MK2 in a machine near the Sinistar machine, and was kinda sorta just looking over at his game, not really interested, but I could beat MK2 with my eyes closed at that point. Anyway, he doesn't know how to play, but manages to keep alive long enough for Sinistar to bellow "Beware, I live!". They had the game turned up pretty loud, too, and I guess it scared the kid because he started bawling and ran behind his mother who promptly grabbed him and dragged him outta there but quick.

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I just broke 100K (116,650) but have only to managed to kill Sinistar once in a game (he's much easier to kill on level 1 than level 2). I also noticed once when I was hitting Sinistar with Sinibombs in chase mode he DID degenerate graphically (I could see him breaking down) but it only happened once. Maybe a glitch? Does anybody know if this is was ever deemed a FINAL version of Sinistar (for release)? It certainly seems complete to me.



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It's like an insect colony.. you have the workers, the soldiers and the queen. The red are the harvester workers whos main objective is to build the Sinistar, the others are the soldiers who's main objective is to destroy your ship, and Sinistar is the Queen... I guess :P


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Does anybody know if this is was ever deemed a FINAL version of Sinistar (for release)?  It certainly seems complete to me.


I don't know if you have a different version than I have, but the one I have certainly seems incomplete -- there are lots of graphical glitches (overlapping sprites for instance) etc.


On the other hand, the gameplay sounds fairly complete, so maybe there were in the "polishing up" phase.


I wish this one had been finished. It showed a lot of promise, I thought.

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Does anybody know if this is was ever deemed a FINAL version of Sinistar (for release)?  It certainly seems complete to me.


I don't know if you have a different version than I have, but the one I have certainly seems incomplete -- there are lots of graphical glitches (overlapping sprites for instance) etc.


On the other hand, the gameplay sounds fairly complete, so maybe there were in the "polishing up" phase.


I wish this one had been finished. It showed a lot of promise, I thought.


There are indeed 2 different roms floating out there.. One is more complete than the other one. Not sure which one AA has.

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It's like an insect colony.. you have the workers, the soldiers and the queen. The red are the harvester workers whos main objective is to build the Sinistar, the others are the soldiers who's main objective is to destroy your ship, and Sinistar is the Queen... I guess :P


I always thought the Sporg were worshipping a deity of some sort. After constructing an interstellar idol to appease their god, he would bring the idol to life, and it in turn would ravage the galaxy until it was stopped. The Sporg, being a prolific and persistent race, would just continue to rebuild the Sinistar idol every time it was destroyed.



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