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Big Sexy is here.


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Yes, indeedy. She arrived yesterday. My Sears Telegames Big Sexy Heavy Sixer. And let me tell you...


Unwrapping the kraft paper to get at the outer box within was a bit like a strip tease... but opening the outer box to reveal Big Sexy -- or rather, her box (never mind, eyes forward, please) was an experience. The box itself was in excellent condition. Some minor scuff marks here and there, but very solid, no crumpled bits or signs of having been stuffed at the bottom of the delivery truck underneath someone's refrigerator. Very tasty and a sign of good things within.


But that wasn't the half of it.


I opened the box. The inner cardboard that held Big Sexy was a little bent in a few places, but generally good and solid. I lifted a few of the games it came with out of the box (Breakaway IV (Breakout), Asteroids, Basketball, Bowling, Target Fun (Combat) -- Sears versions all, all loose but mint) and then removed Big Sexy from the box.


Oh, my. She's ... beautiful. Not a mark, not a blemish, not a scuff nor dent neither on plastic nor aluminum switch plate. Mint, baby. Mint. And those curves... *sigh*


There were also controllers -- a pair of paddles and two joysticks -- within, all in the same condition as Big Sexy; perfect paint on the ring around the sticks. No marks at all. Beautiful. I was struck, too, with the subtle difference between the Sears sticks and Atari's own. These were no CX40s -- at least, not the ones I'm so used to. The sticks moved easily with a good amount of play, not stiffly like normal CX40s, with a suppleness to the ribbing of the rubber at the base, and the fire button seemed raised a little higher than a standard CX40, and recessed further, below the molding, when pressed, culminating with a positive click sound. Sweet!


I haven't given her a spin yet -- I just got through testing a sizeable CV lot I just recieved in the post today, but I have a feeling she'll be a nice, smooth ride. :-)

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He isn't paying them anything. Most of them are fairly new to the AA site in that they have only been here a year or so. Most of them weren't aware of the older and still more accepted term of Heavy Sixer so they took to the Big Sexy moniker quite easily.


I still call them Heavy Sixers because ..well..that is what they are! Heavy Six Switcher CX-2600 units! A.K.A. Heavy Sixer for short.


oh well...tomatoe...tomotoe...you know...?

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exactly! Not paying anyone anything! I was calling them big sexys back when I thought I was the only one who even remembered atari in the late 80's and before I even knew there were others who shared the passion.


'Heavy Sixer' is just so dry, and passionless. To me the original Big Sexy 2600 is worthy of a little more fervor, a little more frothing at the mouth, and a little more acknowledgement of those sexy curves, and that satisfying feel the system has in your hands, like it belongs there, not so light it will just float away, but something more real, more substantial.

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So that's what it's about.


I actually got a chance to test the system out this evening. She's sweet. Great picture quality, exceptionally solid construction, and maybe it's just me, but there seems to be a more solid contact feel when a cart is inserted -- less like snapping tab A into slot B, more like sliding a molded piece of itself into place.


Oh, and the sticks? Gorgeous. Just the right amount of play, perfect tension -- not like the stiff CX40s of later models, but very agile with great response -- I can control it with a thumb on the tip, and the fire button is very comfortable, feels very solid and it's also very responsive.


The paddles, too, are great. Not even a hint of jitter. Very smooth, no friction points that indicate a molding imperfection.


Sweet. Just freakin' sweet.

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Actually I have seen those first year joystics go for about 20-30 dollars on ebay by themselves. They are worth even more if they have the small octagon name plate in the top. if it is gone (which it usually is) there will be a small hole in the top of the joystick. They were made both by atari and by sears. with two different nameplates. There is someone here that has one of those nameplates as an avitar, I forget the name

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