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On Yahoo! News: scientists say video games are addictive.

Scot from S.C.

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Stop the press! News at 11:00! :D


I have known for at least 25 years that video games are addictive. I mean, kids skip homework and school for games. They throw tantrum if they can't play anymore and beg for new games or money. Even lie and steal for a fix.


I'm surprised it took someone that long to conclude that. Now if only they can prove XBox is dangerous to your health due to its size and weight.


EDIT: slight typo

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These scientific studies they feature on Yahoo! News are usually so blindingly obvious that it almost makes me wonder if they are not selecting them deliberately to make scientific research appear frivolous to the general public.


I still remember the worst one I ever saw:


"Study indicates that playground teasing may lead to depression in children."


No shit! :roll:


(Those are probably the same children who later become addicted to video games... not that I would know from my personal experience or anything. :ponder: :D )

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I have known for at least 25 years that video games are addictive.  I mean, kids skip homework and school for games.  They throw tantrum if they can't play anymore and beg for new games or money.  Even lie and steal for a fix.


Yep, it didn't take a trillion dollar study (or whatever it cost) to figure this out. Kids in Japan caused a frickin coin shortage when Space Invaders was released!

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