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New Atari game-Fatal Run 2089


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On 8/28/2024 at 3:03 AM, Zeptari said:


- 20 levels across four landscapes with branching paths, hidden shortcuts, and explosive set pieces

Lets hope the action is bit more in-your-face than the 7800 version …  , and if there are crosscountry-sections to do, have some visible set timer and some extreme speed-boosters to help you burn and cut through the landscape…


I hope crashes and explosions will be over-the-top style…


A really good, oldschool, straightforward ‘intense arcade action’ modern game from Atari would be very welcome… 


I don’t tell people they’re not do be all into digital sneaking; I just so would like an oldschool high-octane adrenaline rush action game… almost like… with the exception of very good graphics, sound and gameplay…please don’t surprise me too much, I’m kinda oldschool…



On that note:

Would like to see Alien Brigade as an in-your-face Top Notch multiplatform FPS, in the style of 80ies action movies (think Predator, Robocop, Aliens ‘86)…


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Is vcs really that weak though? Its newer hardware than the switch, though that doesn't necessarily mean anything. I find it more likely the game may not come to vcs due to low sales, and this being one of the first Atari games that won't just be an Indy style quick'n'dirty port.

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I don't believe there is an Unreal Engine 5 game on the VCS, no. The issue isn't hardware so much as porting difficulty, although I couldn't explain why UE5 is so much more difficult than Unity in that regard.


That said, the Switch only needs to run in 720p, the VCS in theory needs to support 4k but basically needs to support 2k/60, and trying to do that with the VCS' integrated graphics processing rather than a graphics card seems challenging for this one. Would be great, though. Also, there's a pretty long history of Switch ports that don't run very well...

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12 hours ago, Video said:

Is vcs really that weak though? Its newer hardware than the switch, though that doesn't necessarily mean anything. I find it more likely the game may not come to vcs due to low sales, and this being one of the first Atari games that won't just be an Indy style quick'n'dirty port.

Some people say VCS is stronger than the Switch,  IDK 100% know.    It's definately weaker than PS4.    But you'd be surprised at some PC games people have managed to run on VCS


But I mentioned before the game's file size might be a factor.   There's only 32gb on an unexpanded VCS,  and releasing the 8gb Atari 50 on VCS caused lots of headaches.

Also people mention UE5 might be an issue.   For a lot of games, the game engine makes porting to Linux fairly easy,   but if a UE5 game isn't easy then the cost of doing a port might be too  much?

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20 hours ago, Giles N said:

A really good, oldschool, straightforward ‘intense arcade action’ modern game from Atari would be very welcome… 

100% agree... I want over the top twisted metal, road rash, roadblasters...etc etc ACTION and MAYHEM!



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1 hour ago, Zeptari said:

100% agree... I want over the top twisted metal, road rash, roadblasters...etc etc ACTION and MAYHEM!

1 hour ago, Zeptari said:



Yeah - as intense as that^ (perhapz a bit too wild, eh?)


I’ve wondered if having to carry on the new VCS-legacy have pushed the quality of Ataris modern games down.


I know I may become unpopular by saying this, but if there’s something about the VCS that hampers its performance, I think it should be discontined, or replaced by a much, much stronger console which has e-stores backwards compatible with the VCS (unless this also, somehow, should clutter straightforward input)..


Personally I don’t see any point in the VCS - it has no particulars, while every former ‘classic Atari console did’.


Goodness (…Atari!); make an VCS 2 with at least double the power on everything, with straightforward, uncluttered ways of running games.

Slap on ports to hook it up with Polymega-everything, and possibilites for Evercade expansions and, lets say, more things in that direction.

If Atari want to be best retro-gaming, they need a massive, broad Retro-focused platform.

  (Of course, all this when or if they get in the financial position to do that).


I would like to see modern Atari games based on retro-franchises, that builds and expands on the core concepts of the originals. They just add crazy much better grfx and sound, and tons of new ‘moves’ or ‘control-parameters’ on top of the original classic gameplay so theres more to do, more to master, and more to see and explore with larger gameworlds. 

So far, from the FR 2089 Trailer, this is what seems to be generally going on here.


Edited by Giles N
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7 hours ago, Mockduck said:

the VCS in theory needs to support 4k but basically needs to support 2k/60, and trying to do that with the VCS' integrated graphics processing rather than a graphics card seems challenging for this one. Would be great, though. Also, there's a pretty long history of Switch ports that don't run very well...


The VCS was never intended to play games at 4k.  It was meant for streaming videos / movies.


They should have fenced the games to lower res- and pop up a msg when trying to start on when at 4k and force a click to a lower res.  It's not like there would be a visual degradation anyway.

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3 hours ago, Giles N said:


Yeah - as intense as that^ (perhapz a bit too wild, eh?)


I’ve wondered if having to carry on the new VCS-legacy have pushed the quality of Ataris modern games down.


I know I may become unpopular by saying this, but if there’s something about the VCS that hampers its performance, I think it should be discontined, or replaced by a much, much stronger console which has e-stores backwards compatible with the VCS (unless this also, somehow, should clutter straightforward input)..


Personally I don’t see any point in the VCS - it has no particulars, while every former ‘classic Atari console did’.


Goodness (…Atari!); make an VCS 2 with at least double the power on everything, with straightforward, uncluttered ways of running games.

Slap on ports to hook it up with Polymega-everything, and possibilites for Evercade expansions and, lets say, more things in that direction.

If Atari want to be best retro-gaming, they need a massive, broad Retro-focused platform.

  (Of course, all this when or if they get in the financial position to do that).


I would like to see modern Atari games based on retro-franchises, that builds and expands on the core concepts of the originals. They just add crazy much better grfx and sound, and tons of new ‘moves’ or ‘control-parameters’ on top of the original classic gameplay so theres more to do, more to master, and more to see and explore with larger gameworlds. 

So far, from the FR 2089 Trailer, this is what seems to be generally going on here.


They lost money on the VCS. It wouldn't make sense for them to spend more time and more money on a product that will once again lose them money.


It makes more sense to develop games that can sell to a wider audience. Even when the VCS was new it wasn't a deal. It was overpriced and underpowered. Before someone goes, "WHAT ABOUT SWITCH!?!?!?" The reason they can do it is because they have games that people want to play. Atari hasn't had that for a long time. Their selling point was for moms streaming Netflix and Atari Vault which cost less than $10 on other platforms that could run on a potato.


It would make more sense for people to buy a computer and slap one of these one it, and convince themselves it's an Ataribox. https://a.co/d/3Lk0tqa

If people can convince themselves that the VCS was a great success, they can convince themselves a random Atari sticker makes something an Atari product.


I would not be surprised if over time the 2600/7800+ nets more for them than the VCS.

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I think there's a good chance this Fatal Run could be made into a version that runs just fine on the VCS, the bigger question is whether it is likely to get that effort, and the answer is probably no due to the effort involved. But Yar's Rising is hitting the VCS and it also looks very nice. I imagine a 2D metroidvania requires a lot less than this more "expensive" physics racing game, even if the graphics are of modern quality. Still, people are correct that the VCS can actually do a lot, it's just that I wouldn't try to run Wreckfest natively through it. Through the cloud? Sure. Just not natively. And this seems more headed that direction over great looking native games like BPM Boy, Thrustlander, Danger Scavenger and others. 

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3 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

They lost money on the VCS.


Even when the VCS was new it wasn't a deal. It was overpriced and underpowered.


I would not be surprised if over time the 2600/7800+ nets more for them than the VCS.


On the first line- you are simply spewing your own speculation as fact.  You have no idea what they put in / got out.


On the 2nd line- you are just wrong.  At the time it was made- it was comparable in price to other mini PC of similar feature / spec - not even counting it's better looks, included OS, games, apps, controllers.


On the 3rd... might not take much time- depending on their cost and profit sharing.. they may already be close..if we include cartridge / controller sales....but it's not really a fair fight when the + units are available all over the world and the VCS can't even be bought in Canada- much less other places like Europe, South America, etc..


The VCS could have done much better if it was ever given a chance.

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The vcs COULD have made money though. Don't get me wrong, it would still be cemented well in the fourth place slot, but Atari did the dumb and did NOT make it available outside Atari themselves. That MIGHT work for hardcore Atari fans, but not for Joe blow average person who doesn't know what Atari is.


I was really anticipating the vcs release, and had been for years, but had (and still do) heard the nightmares of ordering ANYTHING from Atari, so while I did want a VCS, yes, even at the (my perception) over expensive release price of $500, I had ZERO interest in ordering direct. I wanted to buy from Wal-Mart, or gamestop, or hell, amazon. Somewhere, anywhere. The system launched, I looked, no VCS. Wait a few weeks, no VCS, A few months, no VCS. A year later, atari announces they are ceasing production, just as a small trickle of systems starts showing up outside Atari themselves.


As it turns out, outside the box, VCS doesn't work anyways, which won't do it for Joe blow average person. So that kills me getting one even now. And its a pure digital system, no physical media, so not even the advantage of being some oddball rare collectible.


Oh, and it is weak(er) than it could be, your talking about a system that did release in 20, could have released in 18 (or earlier, when did early recipients start getting them?) Its a high end web box (for video, not games) with built in gaming capabilities. If I didn't already own several web video boxes, I might be interested there, if not for the fact most what I have (outside games) are stronger, faster, more capable systems, currently supported, in production, AND, sub $200 (and most sub $100)


Atari could absolutely benefit from a redo, more powerful, cheaper hardware, their name is becoming more known to average Joe blow public, and much of their stuff now is becoming more readily available in alternate stores, even if just amazon. I'd prefer physical media, but just being in production and available would attract people.

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On 9/6/2024 at 11:46 PM, PowerDubs said:

The VCS could have done much better if it was ever given a chance.

I was sort of interested when it was first announced, but I couldn’t get past how ugly it was. I know the design was all digital, but removing the buttons off the top and wrapping it around, like a mummy looked weird. 

Scooby Doo Walk GIF by Boomerang Official

trying to stay on topic, I hope we get a release date soon.


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