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HELP! broken woody! : (


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hello - can anyone help me?

when i turn on the 2600 the screen is blank - briefly i see the game - just a quick flash - it was working ok before. - it's not the psu/tv/tv lead or games. it's something inside the console. where do i start!!!!!!!!!

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Well, with Redcurrie's Atari, it was a blown TIA. Take the Atari apart, and measure voltages at the regulator and at the cart slot. (read my earlier instructions in this post http://www.atariage.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=36558). If they check out, then it's probably the TIA. You can swap with a working Atari to verify that it is indeed the problem.


Ian Primus


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There are three chips on the motherboard at the heart of the machine. One of them is the TIA (Television Interface Adapter), one is the RAID chip and the other is the CPU I think. Not quite sure of what order they go on the board.



I had a machine with a bad RAID chip and just ended swapping the entire motherboard from another machine. (Couldn't find the chip by itself) The one that I fixed was a heavy sixer and the one I robbed the motherboard out of was a horrible looking lite six switch. Good motherboard though.

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There are three chips on the motherboard at the heart of the machine. One of them is the TIA (Television Interface Adapter), one is the RAID chip and the other is the CPU I think. Not quite sure of what order they go on the board.  


This might help. I'm assuming that yours is a PAL console....





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