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who were the programmers behind the atari 2600 porn games?


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Where the hell does anyone get the idea that women typically orgasm during rape?

It's actually the other way around, orgasm is rare among rape victims and makes the experience all the more traumatic. For anyone interested you can download a scholarly study on rape here which puts forth the theory that the absence of orgam during rape may be a biological defense.



Forget about the porn programmers, I want to know more about the marketing "experts" who hired them. What about the American businessmen who decided to release it?

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Er - aren't you all over-reacting somewhat to RCModeller's comment? He said it as though he believed it - personally I don`t know if it's true or not, but probably depends entirely on the individuals.


Nonetheless, sticking someone on your ignore list just because he's mistaken seems a little harsh and unnecessary to me.... it's not as though he were advocating anything.


Just my $2 worth (it was 2c but got involved in a bidding war).

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Nonetheless, sticking someone on your ignore list just because he's mistaken seems a little harsh and unnecessary to me.... it's not as though he were advocating anything.

Well, you must admit that it is a potentially very dangerous "mistake". The are many rapists around (statistically at least one is probably even reading this thread), so please let's not feed their bad fantasies with bullshit like that.

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Er - aren't you all over-reacting somewhat to RCModeller's comment? ...

Nonetheless, sticking someone on your ignore list just because he's mistaken seems a little harsh and unnecessary to me.... it's not as though he were advocating anything.


It´s just the plain stupidity of RCs sentence that makes me put him on ignore. What he said was so dumb, that i don´t even want to discuss it.

Maybe he´s too young to know what he´s talking about, but i´m actually old enough to know i don´t want to hear it.

That´s all, may the thread go on...

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If you were the "brains" behind Mystique, trying to make a buck by launching a series of porno games, why would you launch with a rape game? There's enough controversy to begin with with raunchy yet non-violent material like Beat Em And Eat Em.


Assuming the programmer was Asian, the design had to be cooked up by an American familiar with the Custer story. Someone in an office actually thought up this idea, decided to make it the first title released on the label and hired someone to program it.


Mystique's bad decision gave video games a bad name, especially ones aimed at adults. It was many years before we saw a return to adult-themed titles.

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It's actually the other way around, orgasm is rare among rape victims and makes the experience all the more traumatic.  For anyone interested you can download a scholarly study http://www.bridgew.edu/depts/artscnce/jiws...une01/Susan.pdf



Thanks for the link. I just read the article, and I really honestly did not know that bit of info.

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