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Booting SpartaDOS X (on A8PicoCart) with Fujinet - trouble with disk recognition

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I have been trying to run SpartaDOS X from my A8PicoCart with FujiNet on my 130XE. I followed Thom's video:

which got me started. I made a SpartaDOS X data disk and turned the SIO wait routine off as suggested, however many of the other instructions may not apply to the A8Pico. When I boot from the A8PicoCart I do not get the FujiNet menu and it only sees the first non-SDX disk (d2:). For now, to start I boot to FujiNet first (X option on the A8PICO), reset the A8 while getting boot errors from the SDX data disk, and then load the SDX car image from the A8. At this point SDX "sees" the FujiNet disks and all is well. But I am hoping there is a smoother, more elegant way to set this up. Perhaps a custom SDX image? Any suggestions are welcome. Regardless, thank you for taking the time to read this. 

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