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Scrapyard Dog proposal for October 2024


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I see that the Atari 7800 High Score Club hasn't been very active for a while, so I thought I would propose a challenge for October.

Can you beat Scrapyard Dog?  And, when you get to the final "boss", can you take a screenshot?

Also, what happens if you pause the game on the final "boss"?  Does the "boss" disappear, or can you potentially stop the timer, think, and make a plan?


I was thinking about it lately, and I wasn't sure if the final "boss" was randomized, or if it was set to a fixed pattern.  If it IS a fixed pattern, we would be able to present an optimized solution to those who have trouble with those sort of things.  And, that might be just enough to help those who have gotten to the end but not finished the game to be able to check it off the list.


As a reminder, the Scrapyard Dog Maps can still be found here:



And, if you click on the "boss" image at the above map on level 6-2, you will be taken to a tutorial on how to finish the boss.



One final note-- I did put together a "solve algorithm request" for the one I've seen before.  This was suggested as a solution:


  • For this particular state there is a solution in 45 single-tile moves: RURULDDRRULUULDDDRRUUULDRDLLDLURRDLLUURDRULLU, RDLU stands for moving a tile(not the blank) right, down, left or up.



If anyone is interested, it could be a fun mystery to solve, and a good way to kick off the Club again!


And of course, I am desperately in need of playing some Midnight Mutants again...



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