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Another very strange Label Variation !


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Hey Guys,


first of all i have absolutely no intention to fake some Pics with Photoshop.


I'm trying to get a Hardcore Box Collector and for that i'll pick up everything i can get for fair prices (for the first ;)


And as i told i only got the box without cart or anything but the seller told me there was a normal picture label cart inside but he already sold it seperately in the past and the Box was left over.


So i'm really interested in seeing a blue cart if it also exist.


Then it would become my 5th Space Invaders Label Variation :lust:




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What about the Sears versions?


I was pleased to have all 6 known major variations when I got my sealed boxed red label version... but curiosity got the best of me and I opened it, to discover a SILVER LABEL cart inside!


But that's a rant you've all already been treated to so I'll spare you now...

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I'm sure its genuine, that red phoenix we both have definately exists, and if you look carefully it is not like some of the other red label boxes / carts about. Its a darker colour red for a start.


I think its down to where it was printed, that phoenix was done in Hong Kong, most my reds seem to be from China.


I bet theres loads of weird box and label variations people havent even worked out exist yet. Mostly because of regional issues.


Look at these 3 Midnight magics, all pal as far as I can tell, but 3 different shades of red, and 3 different label designs (Slightly).


From left to right printed in Hong Kong, Taiwan, China.




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i had noticed that space invaders box several times in european auctions. i see there is a P next to the serial number to indicate it is pal format.


i have found a similar one in the US which is NTSC and 1987 copyright. it contained a "gray" label 1987 version. my guess would be that your box either contained a 1988 gray label or a 1980 red label. but i guess we won't know until someone finds one with the game inside.


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Look at these 3 Midnight magics, all pal as far as I can tell, but 3 different shades of red, and 3 different label designs (Slightly).


That first one doesn't look like it was intended to be that way. Looks like the cutter was off somehow. The front label should be a part of the main label and the bottom of the main label should be the front.

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That first one doesn't look like it was intended to be that way. Looks like the cutter was off somehow. The front label should be a part of the main label and the bottom of the main label should be the front.


I never noticed that, well spotted mate.


I reckon thats pretty cool then, all I have to do now is find another Hong Kong labelled one the same to see if theyre all like that...........



I do like label variations...........So many to get in pal, as it covered such a large number of countries.......



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I was pleased to have all 6 known major variations when I got my sealed boxed red label version... but curiosity got the best of me and I opened it, to discover a SILVER LABEL cart inside!



The same thing happened to me at PhillyClassic 4! Man, was I ever annoyed! :mad:

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What about the Sears versions?


I was pleased to have all 6 known major variations when I got my sealed boxed red label version... but curiosity got the best of me and I opened it, to discover a SILVER LABEL cart inside!


But that's a rant you've all already been treated to so I'll spare you now...


I'd be pretty happy if I turned up a Silver Label Space Invaders. It's the only label variation for the game I know of that I don't have in decent shape.

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That first one doesn't look like it was intended to be that way. Looks like the cutter was off somehow. The front label should be a part of the main label and the bottom of the main label should be the front.

I reckon thats pretty cool then, all I have to do now is find another Hong Kong labelled one the same to see if theyre all like that...........

I can't say that they're all like that but one of my Midnight Magics has the same miscut looking label.

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What about the Sears versions?


I was pleased to have all 6 known major variations when I got my sealed boxed red label version... but curiosity got the best of me and I opened it, to discover a SILVER LABEL cart inside!


But that's a rant you've all already been treated to so I'll spare you now...


I'd be pretty happy if I turned up a Silver Label Space Invaders. It's the only label variation for the game I know of that I don't have in decent shape.


Well I've got two of 'em! You want one? ;)

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What about the Sears versions?


I was pleased to have all 6 known major variations when I got my sealed boxed red label version... but curiosity got the best of me and I opened it, to discover a SILVER LABEL cart inside!


But that's a rant you've all already been treated to so I'll spare you now...


I'd be pretty happy if I turned up a Silver Label Space Invaders. It's the only label variation for the game I know of that I don't have in decent shape.


Well I've got two of 'em! You want one? ;)


if you have one with a good label, sure. :D

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Yes, with these terms I have one "gray" and one "silver." I would be willing to part with the "gray" one (the one that came in my red box) if anyone wants it... but all of that stuff is packed up in a big box right now at the bottom of a pile of big boxes in preparation for our upcoming move, so I wouldn't be able to make a trade/sale until January.

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