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Jungle King Arcade v.2600


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Jungle King was the Arcade that introduced me to the wonderful world of electronic games, the Atari 2600 hadn't even been officially launched in Brazil yet, before it I was really into the pinball machines in street bars.

Two years later we received an Atari 2600 from our parents for Christmas that came with a cartridge with two games in its memory, River Raid and Enduro. A while later we went to an electronics store and bought a cartridge there, it was Polyvox's Jungle Hunt, to my amazement it was Jungle King, with one difference, the protagonist had changed, now you controlled a hunter. I didn't know at the time why they made this change, I only found out some time later the real reason. 


Well after this preface what would a demake of Arcade Jungle King be like for the Atari 2600 console? Most already know the classic Jungle Hunt port, but what would a version based on the original be like? Well here are my initial concepts for the 4 stages, I'm trying to maintain maximum graphical fidelity to the Arcade.


As the King of the Jungle you can interact a little with your movements on the tree trunk in the first phase of the vines, it is still not possible to jump to grab the vines, the monkeys on the vines will give an extra challenge to the protagonist, a touch them and you will fall from the vines.

To change stages, press the Select key.









Edited by alfredtdk
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