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A TI-99/4A Passover program


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This is a program you can run on your TI-99/4A around Passover.

Displays a nice bitmap screen image and plays the song Adir Hu.



Loading and running:

Insert disk in DSK1. (Or, upload PASSOVER.dsk to your TIPI to create the PASSOVER directory with all needed files inside of it)

Insert TI Extended Basic cartridge (or select TI Extended Basic cartridge image from your FinalGROM99)

Allow TI Extended Basic to auto-run the LOAD program. (For TIPI, at TI Extended Basic prompt, enter RUN "TIPI.PASSOVER.LOAD". Or, set your TIPI DSK1. mapping to the PASSOVER directory and use TI Extended Basic auto-load feature)

You should now have a cursor shaped like Texas and a green screen.

Enter the following commands:




Break out of program with FCTN+4


This program makes use of The Missing Link, disk based version.

Image converted from a saved jpg from the internet to TI Bitmap using Turi's convert9918 tool and GNU Gimp.

This program is not designed to need, or be used with, XB G.E.M. or other XB flavors.

Tested on:

Classic99, JS99'er, real iron TI-99/4A with TIPI and FinalGROM99.

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Yeah, I could not figure out how to make it all a single XB bootable program, or what line to change in The Missing Link to have it run my program automatically.

This is the best I could come up with.

I like plain old TI Extended Basic, I only use another flavor if there is just no other option.

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On 10/8/2024 at 8:08 PM, jrhodes said:

Yeah, I could not figure out how to make it all a single XB bootable program, or what line to change in The Missing Link to have it run my program automatically.

This is the best I could come up with.

I like plain old TI Extended Basic, I only use another flavor if there is just no other option.

Nice work.

(I was wondering how you fit the whole Haggadah on one disk. :) )


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