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Good Flea Market score


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I saw a guy selling mainly junk at the flea market. I just walked past a booth that had an NES for sale ($20) and passed on it. Good thing I did. The guy had a box sticking out from under his table. I could tell right away there were two Atari consoles in the box (both were turned upside down).


Anway I asked him how much (and honestly expected $20 or $30). He said $3. I looked at the first one, and it is a 6 switcher.... (not sure how I can tell a heavy from a regular sixer). I said '$3 each?'. Keep in mind... I was already reaching for my wallet and was more than happy to pay for them. He said, nope... $3 for both.


DEAL!!! lol


I got a 6-switcher, and a Vader out of the deal. Both are caked with grime... but work. The 6 switcher has a touchy power switch... but I'm going to figure out how to fix that!


Two ataris 2600s for $3. Not a bad day. Especially when they were selling them for about $50 inside. :)


Eric DeLee

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Nice score. And I thought my score was good today. I went to the local flea market and there was nothing. I decided to use the bathroom which is in the back. Once I walked through the doors to the back, I saw a guy pricing Atari games. I ended up picking up a 6 switch Sears and about 10 games for $17. One of the games was Tapper :D

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