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How do you identify the Heavy sixer?


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My sixer's label is no longer entact. :( So I can't tell if it is a heavy sixer or not. I took it apart (doing some heavy cleaning). The Rf shield is huge... beyond that I really can't figure out how to tell if this is a heavy sixer or not.



I heard something about extra plastic molding. But I can't find any pictures of this. Do any of you happen to have pictures that can point out what a Heavy sixer looks like?


Thanks for your help.


(I also need a power switch to replace the one on this one. Anyone have an Atari that is for parts?)

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I'm looking at that picture, and I take it what you are saying is that the heavy sixer has a black casing with a curved corner, whereas the later one had a sharp angle? I can't see any other difference, it's quite small.


There, is that better ? LOL



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There, is that better ? LOL

Ah, thanks!


I really thought you meant the different corners (there was a circle around them), but now I can see that the grain pattern makes the difference.




Wait a minute... the corner IS the main difference! Okay the pattern of the fake wood isn't the same, but the difference clearly is :

Heavy Sixer - curved corner

Non-heavy Sixer - non-curved corner


yeah? :?

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Look - I can do that symbol too! here it is - :roll:

here's some more - :roll: :roll:

great eh?


It's interesting that in between all the pictures and little :roll: symbols, nobody has actually said in the English language what the difference is. So if anyone can do that, well, that would be amazing. I'm saying that the only real difference is the black casing, but TJ suggests different. Can someone say what the difference is?

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There's also a couple of extra "nicks" in the heavy as well. Perhaps the original owner trying to see if it would survive repeated throwings from the tops of buildings?  :cool:  




Actually those nicks are from repeatedly bashing people in the head that make smartass comments. :D :P

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There, is that better ? LOL

Ah, thanks!


I really thought you meant the different corners (there was a circle around them), but now I can see that the grain pattern makes the difference.




Wait a minute... the corner IS the main difference! Okay the pattern of the fake wood isn't the same, but the difference clearly is :

Heavy Sixer - curved corner

Non-heavy Sixer - non-curved corner



yeah? :?


Also, the Heavy 6ers have lots of internal RF shielding, unlike the regular 6ers (hence the name "Heavy 6er").

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I am just not smart enough for these forums.  :)  

Thomas Jentzsch was attempting humour with his earlier quote, even though the grain pattern is "different". You have to understand - a German trying to be funny would take most people by surprise!  :D  :D  :D

Well, I think my German "humor" needs some practise.


Or why would you PM me things like this?

It's important for you to understand that when you made your posts, you came across as a complete arsehole.
After all, like many excessive posters on forums (4800+ in 2 1/2 years????), your grip on the real world and how you are perceived in it by others is probably not that great.

Hm, why didn't you post that in public? :ponder:


In fact, I'll make it simpler for you, Thomas. Next time, just THINK.

My thoughts exactly. :P

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I've got no problem with other people knowing I wrote that. I'll say it again, you acted like a total arsehole. And yes, it's a common thing amongst heavy posters on forums in general (not them all I might add)... they lose perspective, as you have done. It's easy to think after spending 3 hours a day on a forum for 2 1/2 years that the whole world is waiting for each new message, and that you are an important figure. It's not the case, my dear. Even holding the world record score for a video game does not change that. Though displaying it with every post does make you a bit naff... Every forum I have ever been on, I've seen this happen, you are just example #452746. I'm sorry to break this to you, but you have messed up.

Look! ---- :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

That's incredible! Now I can be contemptious too!

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