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How do you identify the Heavy sixer?


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I've got no problem with other people knowing I wrote that. I'll say it again, you acted like a total arsehole. And yes, it's a common thing amongst heavy posters on forums in general (not them all I might add)... they lose perspective, as you have done. It's easy to think after spending 3 hours a day on a forum for 2 1/2 years that the whole world is waiting for each new message, and that you are an important figure. It's not the case, my dear. Even holding the world record score for a video game does not change that. Though displaying it with every post does make you a bit naff... Every forum I have ever been on, I've seen this happen, you are just example #452746. I'm sorry to break this to you, but you have messed up.  

Look!  ----   :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  

That's incredible! Now I can be contemptious too!


Do you think that this attitude will make people want to help you in the future ? :?

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Oh dear... nice example of humour totally not translating into the web.


As I see it Spectre er- slightly missed the point, and Thomas perhaps was a little off-key in his use of the :roll: - which, had it been done in real life, would be considered rather rude.


But then I don`t think Spectre's reaction was justified either - I've seen enough posts from both of you to know you're both OK guys so please let's just put it down to a misunderstanding and get on with life all nice and friendly now, please? This forum is probably the best I've seen so let's not spoil it, ta!


Alternatively, I think you should fight about it next time you're in the same room - not physical fighting, of course, but I think a good game of Warlords would probably do the trick!

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It's easy to think after spending 3 hours a day on a forum for 2 1/2 years that the whole world is waiting for each new message, and that you are an important figure.

Oh oh, I think should change back my custom status. :)


For everybody who doesn't know (warning German humor again!):

It's a funny reply (smiley!) to Cybergoth stating (meant funny too!) in his custom status that he is holding a world record now. It's a joke between two German Atari friends! Got it? :)


Maybe my type of humour is not everybodies type of humour (though I thought Australian humour is even way more strange :)), maybe some people just don't have as much humour as they think (or as we say in Germany: "Wer im Glashaus sitzt, sollte nicht mit Steinen werfen." :D).


Or maybe I am just expecting too much from some people, especially when they are rather new to the forum? :ponder:


BTW: The :roll: was my very last attempt to make sure everybody understood I try to make a joke. Obviously didn't work. Sorry! :|

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Or maybe I am just expecting too much from some people, especially when they are rather new to the forum? :ponder:  


I'm not that new you know, I've been here over a couple of years, but I get what you are trying to say. In other words, I haven't posted 4000 times and obviously the more you post, the better you are. :twisted:


You knew what you were doing. To have no text, just two symbols, and the second one being a rolling eyes in a post means "Isn't he stupid." It's dismissive. If you were trying to say something else, you failed. But hey, it's not important. I'm easy! I think... :x

Fair enough, we don't agree. Let's leave it at that.


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I'm not that new you know, I've been here over a couple of years, but I get what you are trying to say. In other words, I haven't posted 4000 times and obviously the more you post, the better you are.  :twisted:

That's exactly what I did not want to say. :roll: (<- about me!)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Can anybody point me to some inside pictures of a Heavy Sixer?


Hmm..I just opened mine last month to fix one of the joystick port pins. If I had known that so few pics exist of the innards, I would have grabbed my digital camera and taken a few images.


If there's enough demand, I'll re-open my sixer to take some pics. It's not something I want to do often due to the fact that there's a flex/ribbon cable inside the unit which is VERY fragile. It's a pretty simple 2 piece design...there's a horizontal PCB where the switches are mounted, which is connected to the main PCB (housed in a THICK and heavy aluminum shield) via the flex ribbon cable. I think this was the first time since 1977 that my particular heavy sixer has been opened as there was lots of dust inside of it. Interestingly, there was a piece of paper resembling a cash reigster roll paper taped to the metal shielding with some numerical data and the date "1977" written in pen.


The funny thing is, my 4 switch vader has a similar paper attached to it as well complete with the handwritten date, only in that case the data was 1982!

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It's a pretty simple 2 piece design...there's a horizontal PCB where the switches are mounted, which is connected to the main PCB (housed in a THICK and heavy aluminum shield) via the flex ribbon cable.

Hm, my PAL woody (which is not a Heavy Sixer) looks the same inside. And you have to unscrew about 20 screws of different types to get to the main PCB, right?


So where is the difference inside? :?

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It's a pretty simple 2 piece design...there's a horizontal PCB where the switches are mounted, which is connected to the main PCB (housed in a THICK and heavy aluminum shield) via the flex ribbon cable.

Hm, my PAL woody (which is not a Heavy Sixer) looks the same inside. And you have to unscrew about 20 screws of different types to get to the main PCB, right?


So where is the difference inside? :?


Yes, there are various screws that hold the shielding in place, and then several more that secure the PCB inside it. I lost count when I was opening it, but about 20 screws sounds correct.


As I've mentioned before, you have to be somewhat careful when you open the system since the flex ribbon cable is pretty short (not to mention fragile) and has a tendency to get tugged when you're separating the parts from the case.

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Also, the Heavy 6ers have lots of internal RF shielding, unlike the regular 6ers (hence the name "Heavy 6er").


Actually, Internally they are almost identical. The only 'extra' shielding is that the early heavy sixers (not all of em) bottom plate was a little thincker than latter versions,, not a hugh difference,, not enough to notice when picking up a unit.. most the weight of the 'heavy' is from the formed plastic base. Other differences between the heavy and regular is that the early heavy's didnt have a 3-4 TV switch and had the main power transistor mounted on a external heatsink. This was not for all heavy sixers, the later heavies had the updated 3-4 switch and the revised heatsink design similiar to the 'light' 6er. I've recently restored a batch of about 50 6'ers at once with 14 of em being the 'heavies', this has given me a great perspective of the subtle design changes over the years. I took several pics and when I get some time (like that will happen :roll: ) I was planning on builiding a webpage on my site more involved with hardware changes on the 2600:) For now,, if you want to verify a heavy sixer, just see if dustin is selling it for 500 bucks,, if so than you kNOW its a heavy;)

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You knew what you were doing. To have no text, just two symbols, and the second one being a rolling eyes in a post means "Isn't he stupid." It's dismissive.


well, sorry about going off-thread but...


i use the eye-roll icon a lot, and i never meant it to mean "isnt' he stupid" or "isn't that stupid". is that a common usage for the eye-roll? i thought it was a comic relief or used it to mean "did i do that" or "hmm, what was that" or a humorous reaction to a pun, like ewww, that was a particularly painful pun.

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