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TI 99 4a cartucce non funzionano


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Buongiorno, ho un problema quando inserisco le cartucce nel mio ti 99, in pratica:

-Paresec genera ( righe colorate sullo schermo)

-Tombstone Cyty (schermata di avvio vuota emette solo musica)

Avete mica info sul problema



Hello, I have a problem when I insert cartridges into my ti 99, basically:
-Parsec generates (colored lines on the screen)
-Tombstone City (blank boot screen only plays music)

Do you have any info on the problem


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Do you get a title screen before selecting the cart? If not the try another VDP first, the 9929 in your case I believe, if you have another console that is working correctly. I don’t think it is video memory, as that is well documented and you'd have characters looking weird on the title screen. Of course this is a starting point ans there are others who would have more information. Can you post a video of starting the system up with each cart?


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